nine crows (朱) voice/action (forward-dated to morning)

Nov 22, 2010 00:15

[He can see. That's the first thing he realizes when he wakes up, staring at the ceiling. His eyesight isn't the best, still rather blurred, but it's there.

The next thing he notices is that his size is off. Again. And this isn't his bed. Very similar to his bed, yes, but not his. Neither is this his room, which means this probably isn't his apartment at all.

At least he's not a child again, and as he stands up to examine himself he realizes he's only been de-aged about...

...wait a minute.

He activates his Sharingan and blinks rapidly. There's something very different about it, and he walks briskly to the nearby bathroom in order to look at himself.

Ah. This was problematic.

Sasuke's face stares back at him, and he knows even as he looks at it that this must be his brother's apartment, meaning his younger sibling is most likely in HIS body in a similar situation. At least they'd each know where the other lived now.

Unsure how angry to be with the Malnosso for this, Itachi spends the next few minutes stretching and getting to know this body's basic capabilities. He would have to have a... discussion with his brother later in regards to his eyes.

He needs to get in contact with someone about this, but who is currently in a state to be contacted?]

[Filtered to Shikamaru, Chouji, and Shino]
Respond back if you're getting this.

[He'll be roaming the center of town, the barracks, and the area near his own apartment complex looking for his brother or anyone familiar.]

((responses will come from felltoirony))

walking in my brother's shoes, in town, +shikamaru, +chouji, official event, but on fire within, [voice], +sheena, [action], a malnosso plaything, feeling lost, +foolish little brother, not as planned, o brother where art thou

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