seven crows (朱) voice

Oct 29, 2010 13:51

[Forward-dated to tomorrow (the 30th)]

[The calm facade is easy to slip into after years of conditioning himself. Perhaps too easy. He hasn't slept or eaten much in the past few days, though he'll have to force himself to do both soon enough despite the influence of the hallucinations. The only outward signs that he might be having difficulty, however, are a little darkness around his eyes and the rare bit of clumsiness on his part one would never see normally.

But his thoughts are a jumbled mess. This becomes apparent the moment he opens his mouth. Despite this, he still manages to throw up a couple strong filters. Perhaps it's a cry for help of sorts.]

[filtered to Katara]

Katara-san... Do you know who I am? Have you left your window open?

[filtered FROM Sasuke]

There are dead crows on my windowsill. I think they were trying to get in.

uchiha are emo by definition, [voice], dead crows, +shikamaru, official event, feeling lost, slowly losing my mind

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