Oct 20, 2009 19:35
Some fuckhead from Model UN sent a mass e-mail to everyone on the team saying me and Stephanie were incompetent to teach Model UN. Weird, considering he's one of the several people who didn't turn in a position paper. Anyways, now there's all this drama and he's dropping at the last minute. This Intifada bullshit needs to end. People are fucking pussies.
No one gets paid to teach the class. It's an extracurricular activity. It's on the school catalog, but I'm not sure why, considering Stew doesn't get paid to "teach" the class, which he doesn't, because he has head delegates to do it. We have prepared these students so much more than even our previous head delegate, and they still fail to meet deadlines and standards. It's so fucking frustrating. I want to kill someone.