Dec 01, 2009 19:17
At work on Monday, we were told about a five year old boy in New York that is terminally ill. It's likely that this is his last Christmas. At a recent holiday event, when Santa asked him what he wanted most for Christmas, his reply was "Christmas cards from all over, so that my mom can remember me."
Okay, right there, goosebumps, and I knew I had to do as much as I can to make this an awesome Christmas for the little boy.
I figure with the joy of the internet, this can be spread EVERYWHERE. Imagine being 5 and getting a card from, say, England, or Australia. That'd be so awesome.
I'm posting this here with hopes of you wonderful people sending a card and spreading the word. It's easy and pretty low-cost (Hallmark has 99¢ cards; stamps are 44¢).
Think about how HAPPY this little boy would be. From what so many consider a holiday chore. Good karma, folks. ;)
The address:
Jacob Hadcock
127 North St.
Mexico, NY 13114
Thanks, guys! And don't forget to pass this along!