Hi! I was directed to your LJ by ariesjen, who tells me that you're a Twilight fan. Would you mind if I friended you? ^^
I'm a new Twilight fan myself. I just started reading the books, and I'm on New Moon now. I've never been sucked into a story like this before, and isn't Edward the most beautiful vampire there is? Hehe.
I see we also share the same interests in other fandoms, such as Supernatural, Moonlight and Smallville. Love Sam/Sarah and Mick/Beth!
As for Smallville pairings, I used to like Clark/Lana, but now I'm not so sure. My like/dislike for Lana also seems to fluctuate every few episodes or so, depending on her actions. I'm so fickle.
Wow, I feel rather flattered, that Jen sent you here! *smiles* I'd actually been hoping to find some other Twilight fans, since I think I only have maybe, oh, four or five on my friends list. So yes, I'd love to friend you back!
I do have a soft spot for Edward. Jacob is my favorite, but Edward is so close behind, they're almost tied. I fell for Edward in Twilight, and Jacob in Eclipse. *sighs wistfully*
It's awesome that we have some interests in common. I'm big on Supernatural, and Doctor Who, these days, not to mention a lot of the other shows I'm obsessed with. I talk a bit about my shows, about music, my work life, some personal things, and the like. You're welcome to join my little world. :)
I'm Marie to most here, though truly, that's my middle name. You can call me Molli or Marie; I'll answer to either. Some call me Mar; that works too. hehe It's nice to meet you!
Ohhh, I kind of love Jasper and Emmett. I actually dabble a little bit in TW fanfiction over at my other, writing journal. So far I've only done two pieces, but someday, I'm definitely going to try writing from more character's points of view - including the other Cullen boys. Jasper is my third favorite male character, behind Jake and Edward. I think so many of the characters in the series are utterly fascinating.
And yes, I'll gush about TW with you whenever you want to!!
My latest obsession right now is the new Doctor Who. I don't know if you've seen any of that, but you'll see me mention it a fair bit, that and my other shows, really. I have several that I -try- to keep up with. And yeah, I'm a bit all over the place. I'm in a new relationship right now, so I'm all aflutter with that. hehe
Aww, thank you! I'm happy that you like my name, LOL.
I'm about to do more gushing over at my LJ, I'm in the midst of posting an entry about Twilight...again. I've been doing a lot of TW-related posts lately. Heheh.
I'll have to look out for that entry of yours. I'm thinking of doing an entry talking about my favorite characters, even doing a bit of Jacob vs Edward, in a nice way. Some of my friends who are very Edward/Bella are also kind of against Jacob, and I'd like to show that he is a cool character, regardless of shipper preferences and such. And, I've never really done an in-depth TW entry talking about why I love some of these characters so much. I'll adore having someone to really comment back and forth about TW with!
Ooo, I'd love to read your entry, if you get around to doing that. ;-)
I'm (very) pro-Edward/Bella too, but I don't have anything against Jacob. I mean, he's loyal, devoted, and most probably very good-looking. What else can you ask for? LOL. I can only picture Steven Strait as Jacob now, sigh.
I love forward to all the commenting back and forth we'll have about Twilight. Wheee! :D
Yeah, in the next week or so I'm thinking I may get my thoughts down on paper, er, on screen, for that TW-themed post. I'm looking forward to more TW discussions, and hoping that I may draw some of my other TW friends into something like that.
There's nothing wrong at all with being pro Edward/Bella. I was until mid way through Eclipse, honestly, and until that point, I didn't think I could be swayed from E/B. But Jacob won me over so thoroughly, and then Jacob/Bella, over the course of Eclipse, and by the end, I knew I had changed my mind on which couple I was more strongly rooting for. I'm a sucker for lost causes.
Steven Strait is my Jacob, as well. *sighs wistfully*
And yeah, I think Jacob himself is an awesome character. I love his optimism, and that he genuinely cares about Bella, and that he wants her to be happy, even if it means that he has to let her go, as we saw in the end of Eclipse. Their story is so sweet and sad, imho.
I just got to the part in Eclipse where Bella and Edward were out "camping", and Jacob came along and ended up being Bella's space heater. That chapter was so good
( ... )
I loved that part; it was a fantastic chapter. And it reinforced my love for both characters, Edward and Jacob alike.
LOL, @ Bella trying to seduce Edward. Bless her, she just -kept- trying!! I was glad when he finally persuaded her to agree to marry him before they could fulfill that aspect of their relationship. Even if, by that point, I was rooting for Jacob and Bella, and always will. They're so gorgeous and heart-breaking, and normal, and sweet!!
Jacob and Bella's love IS different than Edward and Bella's. IMHO, J/B's love is more healthy and normal, but I know you're a E/B shipper, which I totally respect. I guess I champion the doomed ships because it's more fun that way. hee.
I'm a new Twilight fan myself. I just started reading the books, and I'm on New Moon now. I've never been sucked into a story like this before, and isn't Edward the most beautiful vampire there is? Hehe.
I see we also share the same interests in other fandoms, such as Supernatural, Moonlight and Smallville. Love Sam/Sarah and Mick/Beth!
As for Smallville pairings, I used to like Clark/Lana, but now I'm not so sure. My like/dislike for Lana also seems to fluctuate every few episodes or so, depending on her actions. I'm so fickle.
I do have a soft spot for Edward. Jacob is my favorite, but Edward is so close behind, they're almost tied. I fell for Edward in Twilight, and Jacob in Eclipse. *sighs wistfully*
It's awesome that we have some interests in common. I'm big on Supernatural, and Doctor Who, these days, not to mention a lot of the other shows I'm obsessed with. I talk a bit about my shows, about music, my work life, some personal things, and the like. You're welcome to join my little world. :)
I'm Marie to most here, though truly, that's my middle name. You can call me Molli or Marie; I'll answer to either. Some call me Mar; that works too. hehe It's nice to meet you!
I gotta say, Edward is my #1. Heheh. Followed by Jasper, then Emmett. Jacob is close behind, though.
My LJ is a mix of my shows, latest (celebrity) crushes, and a dash of real life. LOL. Hopefully I don't bore you too much.
I mostly use my middle name too, it's Clara. :) You're welcome to call me Tinuviel too, whichever one you prefer.
Real nice to "meet" you too! Another person to gush about Twilight with, whee!
Ohhh, I kind of love Jasper and Emmett. I actually dabble a little bit in TW fanfiction over at my other, writing journal. So far I've only done two pieces, but someday, I'm definitely going to try writing from more character's points of view - including the other Cullen boys. Jasper is my third favorite male character, behind Jake and Edward. I think so many of the characters in the series are utterly fascinating.
And yes, I'll gush about TW with you whenever you want to!!
My latest obsession right now is the new Doctor Who. I don't know if you've seen any of that, but you'll see me mention it a fair bit, that and my other shows, really. I have several that I -try- to keep up with. And yeah, I'm a bit all over the place. I'm in a new relationship right now, so I'm all aflutter with that. hehe
I'll call you Clara. I love that name! :)
I'm about to do more gushing over at my LJ, I'm in the midst of posting an entry about Twilight...again. I've been doing a lot of TW-related posts lately. Heheh.
I'm (very) pro-Edward/Bella too, but I don't have anything against Jacob. I mean, he's loyal, devoted, and most probably very good-looking. What else can you ask for? LOL. I can only picture Steven Strait as Jacob now, sigh.
I love forward to all the commenting back and forth we'll have about Twilight. Wheee! :D
There's nothing wrong at all with being pro Edward/Bella. I was until mid way through Eclipse, honestly, and until that point, I didn't think I could be swayed from E/B. But Jacob won me over so thoroughly, and then Jacob/Bella, over the course of Eclipse, and by the end, I knew I had changed my mind on which couple I was more strongly rooting for. I'm a sucker for lost causes.
Steven Strait is my Jacob, as well. *sighs wistfully*
And yeah, I think Jacob himself is an awesome character. I love his optimism, and that he genuinely cares about Bella, and that he wants her to be happy, even if it means that he has to let her go, as we saw in the end of Eclipse. Their story is so sweet and sad, imho.
LOL, @ Bella trying to seduce Edward. Bless her, she just -kept- trying!! I was glad when he finally persuaded her to agree to marry him before they could fulfill that aspect of their relationship. Even if, by that point, I was rooting for Jacob and Bella, and always will. They're so gorgeous and heart-breaking, and normal, and sweet!!
Jacob and Bella's love IS different than Edward and Bella's. IMHO, J/B's love is more healthy and normal, but I know you're a E/B shipper, which I totally respect. I guess I champion the doomed ships because it's more fun that way. hee.
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