Fall of Troy, Dir en grey, Deftones: June 12 2007, Fillmore, Detroit

Jun 13, 2007 00:47

Fall of Troy, Dir en grey, Deftones: June 12, 2007 at the Fillmore, Detroit, MI

Just got back from the live. Doors opened at 7, but we lined up past 6:30, I'm sure. Why are so many Dir en grey fans so obnoxious? Christ, maybe I just get stuck by those ones, either way I was infront of some people in line who really were pissing me off D: We were let in fairly quickly and it went much better than in February. We even got to see the opening band this time 8D

The Fillmore is such a nice venue. I really liked the ceiling, but I decided not to bring my camera, so no pics. I was really surprised when we got in because we were closer to the back of the line, but we were in the second row on the floor where Toshiya would be O_O But, I decided against that and we moved back a little behind a railing. A much better view and I was safe there XD

Fall of Troy... Well, I hadn't heard anything good about them, but no one liked Fair to Midland either, so I was hoping they were wrong. They were not. The first song was okay, but every song sounded so similar, so it became pretty boring. And the guitarist/vocalist was the only one who needed to be watched, the other two weren't very exciting. He's pretty skilled I must say *_* The bassist kept spitting, but I didn't see him drink water, so, ew. Oh, and the guitarist/vocalist dude spit and caught it in his mouth again ~_~ When he announced only two songs left, I was relieved! The last one, although it was okay, would not fucking end. So, I was not upset to see them finish. When the crew came out to take away their equipment, my uncle was like, "if I were them I'd just throw it in a dumpster. I hope they're getting an education." He wasn't impressed either lol.

Then Dir en grey came out. They opened with GDS, which they didn't in Feb. It really hit me how short Kyo is. I don't know why right then, but, yeah. Even though it was short, I thought it was pretty much as good as February's show. The first song was Repitition of Hatred. They played mostly songs from TMOAB, with a few others and they sounded so damn good. The Deeper Vileness was awesome. I remember The Final being rather good on Kaoru's part. Maybe he's always been doing it like that and I just haven't noticed, though. I was really hoping for The IIID Empire because it was extra good in Feb and they did. Is Kyo saying 'fuck' during those lines? They were all really energetic for that song, especially Die and Toshiya. I had absolutely no view of Shinya save for his sticks, so I can't even comment on him. There really wasn't any moshing, just maybe the last few songs. Kyo was really impressive. He doesn't miss lines in songs, his screaming sounds great and still just as energetic. He also had his solo thing before dead tree, but I remember it being a little better last time. I was hoping for Disabled Complexes since it's my favourite on TMAOB or even Ryoujoku no Ame, but they didn't play either. Overall it was really amazing and I am so fucking glad I went. The band and setlist were both awesome. I can't remember most of the order except the first three. I'll edit with the proper setlist when someone else posts it:

Repitition of Hatred
The Fatal Believer
The Deeper Vileness
Clever Sleazoid
dead tree
The Final
Agitated Screams of Maggots
The IIID Empire

I was also really excited for Deftones. My God, I swear the second they started playing, then enitre floor was moshing and crowd surfing. My Uncle said it was just "a little short of a prison riot." lmao. I LOL not at the people at Batsu who asked about the moshing at Deftones concerts, but those who replied to them by saying it wouldn't be bad. Fuck right. I knew it was going to be something like that before I got there, but I really wasn't expecting quite that O_O; Which is why I was happy behind the railing... for the time being. They opened with Korea and played a bunch of my favourite songs. I was really hoping for Be Quiet and Drive, as it's my absolute favourite, but that didn't happen. Although, they played Digital Bath and The Passenger. Sans Maynard James Keenan, of course :P Beware was amazing, just as it was at the FVT. No matter what they played the crowd loved it and the moshing and crowd surfing ensued at any chance they got. The part I was in, behind the railing, maybe went 10 feet back, maybe and during the last song, they started fucking moshing up there lmao. They played for like, ever. I swear. I can't identify a lot of the songs they played because I haven't bought all their CDs yet. So I'll post what I do know and edit it later with the full one:

My Own Summer (Shove It)
Around the Fur
Hole in the Earth
Digital Bath
The Passenger
Cherry Waves
Rats Rats Rats
Change (In the House of Flies)
Back to School (Mini Maggit)
7 Words

I bought two shirts. A Dir en grey one with like, a skull and something else on it and a green Deftones one with an elephant on it. They had none of their nice shirts in small D: I wanted a black one dammit. The one with the chick on it was really nice, but oh well.

Amazing, amazing night.

EDIT - Full Deftones setlist :)

fall of troy, dir en grey, deftones

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