You're the one that I want, hoo hoo hoo, honey!

Aug 18, 2010 01:21

I got around to using Firefox for my web-browsing. What is so amazing about it, exactly? I honestly find no difference between it and IE. The only thing I really like is it's spell check thing. I might try using Google Chrome. Who knows.

So, X Japan is touring NA. Who the hell even cares? They're a fucking joke. That guy on jrocknyc who commented "hahaha i'm surprised yoshiki didn't try getting x japan to play the rogers centre in toronto" actually had me lol-ing.

I have a pretty expensive semester of book-buying ahead of me D: One class has I think 5 required books, so it's almost $300 just for that one alone. And, I'm still waiting to hear back from the school about my classes. I just love how nobody is in office when students are registering for classes. That's a huge fucking help, University of Windsor. Thanks. And I have two labs *sobs*

Asians are coming to my city. Who are these people?

I want to rewind my life back to the 8th ;_; It was just so perfect and amazing.

Speaking of Paul, Band on the Run is being re-released at the end of September 8D If Amazon is right, there's a couple versions, one being a 3CD/DVD version for $90. Intriguing, but I definitely need to see the content before I decide which I want.

One more day of taking supply shifts at South Walkerville and then I am done! Stay strong, Courtney. Stay strong!

And, just for something random and because I have no idea what's going on here:

school, paul mccartney, beatles, work, life

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