Hola amigos!

Feb 24, 2010 00:39

I am back 8D Expect a terribly long post with lots of pictures in the near future. I don't want to say too much about the trip before I get to that post, but Slovakia was certainly interesting and Poland was amazing.

YesAsia finally shipped Sa Ding Ding's album. Now they have a Taiwan and HK version of the album that comes with a DVD D: I guess I'll be ordering that version tomorrow. Of course they wouldn't just have a CD+DVD+Photobook version. Nooooo.

On the flights, they had TVs for every seat, so I did some movie watching. On the way there I watched The Office and 30 Rock and then bits of This Is It, Funny People, Fame and some other movie. On the way back I watched Horse Boy, Inglorious Basterds and part of Red Cliff. Inglorious Basterds was disappointing. It started off good, but it never really grabbed me. What I saw of Red Cliff kinda sucked, too. The fight scenes were so terrible.

I'm still exhausted lol. My sleep pattern is all messed up, too. So, I'm gonna head off to bed. Did I miss anything exciting while I was gone?

sa ding ding, orders, movies, travel

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