It's official. The new Alexisonfire album is awesome. S'all I need to say about that. They're on Warped Tour this year, but I don't think I'd ever go to that.
A-Mei Chang's new album is really, really good. I like her so much better as a rock artist, rather than pop. There's something about her voice I'm not too big on, but it's not like it's bad or anything. I was very surprised with this album, gladly.
Looks like we're going to New York in a few weeks. My sister's been dying to go. She wants to see Central Park and various John Lennon sites and leave some flowers on his memorial site. I'm looking forward to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and maybe Kinokuniya.
So yeah, I have this shit-tastic semester schedule:
Mon, Wed: 4-5:20
Tues: 11:30-12:50, 1-2:20, 2:30-3:50, 7-9:50
Thurs: 11:30-12:50, 1-2:20, 2:30-3:50
Starting September I can't work at the second library and lord knows what I'll be able to work at my library, as my school hours are right during the page shifts D:
I've been kinda talking to my parents about going away to school. They're not against it, but aren't really talking about it with me and it's bugging me. There's a lot we have to find out to help me make my decision and see if it's even a good idea to go, or if I'd be able to go. Sometimes, I think I really want to go, and others I feel like I'd miss too much here, or be unhappy there. I'd miss rocking out to classic rock with my sister and China has that stupid firewall and scary government. But, I almost think I need to go. Hohhot looks so lovely and the university has great programs.
What color was the last remote you used?
- Grey.
Do you have any hiking shoes?
- Nope.
Where were you when you heard about Micheal Jackson's death?
- I had just opened my browser and it was on, my homepage.
Did you/are you having a hard time emotionally as a teenager?
- I find myself stressed a lot. Sometimes unecessarily.
What was the worst made movie you ever saw?
- I dunno about ever, but I really hated The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Have you ever seen a movie where the soundtrack was better than the movie?
- I don't really listen to soundtracks.
Are you creeped out by all the deaths lately?
- Not really. Just kinda weird that there's been so many.
Have you ever seen a glacially sculpted landscape?
- No.
Do you live near a river?
- Yes, the Detroit River. It's like 5 mins away with no traffic.
Did you have a good childhood?
- Yes.
What songs gets stuck in your head the most easily?
- So many. Black Eyed Peas' I Gotta Feeling and MGMT's Kids are two common ones right now.
Was anyone famous born on the same day you were?
- Yeah, Eva Longoria and some other unimportant people like Mark Hoppus. Julius Caesar was murdered on my birthday, though.
Are you dreading winter?
- I don't like the cold :( Or all the snow we get.
Does getting a new haircut make you happy?
- I guess so.
Do you own any clothes with flowers on it?
- Not that I can recall.
Is it getting harder to find clothes you like?
- I'm trying not to be so picky...
Have you ever left a mall empty-handed?
- Many times.
Would you ever get a custom license plate?
- No.
What would it say?
- No idea.
Have you ever made/filled out a survey with someone?
- I don't think so.
Have you ever mowed the lawn (even a little bit)?
- Yeah. Our lawnmower was so heavy my dad had to help me push it lol.
Have you ever been on a boat on a lake and watched fireworks?
- When I was little.
What's the biggest room in your house?
- Our kitchen/dinning room.
Do you know anyone who wrote a book?
- No.
Have you ever found a spider on your bed?
- Yes.
Hard or soft mattresses?
- Hard.
If you have a job, do you do other stuff on the computer besides work?
- I don't use the computer at work.
Does anyone in real life know that you do surveys?
- Probably.
Have you ever seen a raven?
- I don't think so.
Do you like going through tunnels?
- I guess so?
Are there any bridges in your town?
- The Ambassador Bridge. The busiest border crossing in North America.
Have you ever sent a song to someone through Yahoo Mail?
- I don't think so.
Does your dad like to work in the yard?
- Yes. He's always out there doing something.
What's your userpic on an IM service?
- It's my Stewie and Rupert icon.
Have you ever had balloons on your birthday?
- Yes.
Have you ever hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon?
- I've never been there.
Do you like to watch storms from a distance?
- I like storms at any distance lol.
Does your mom like to bead?
- Bead? No.
Do you know someone that works in a bar?
- Not that I know of.
Do you like to have layers in your hair?
- Yeah, but they've grown quite a bit.
Do you know who Hayley Westenra is?
- Nope.
Did you ever play Spyro?
- What?
Have you ever had one dream last the whole night?
- How can you tell how long dreams are?
What do people think you're weird for not liking?
- Vacationing in tropical locations, having a tan, going out and doing things lol.
Ever been to Dallas, Texas?
- Nope.
If you were offered a shot of whiskey right this second, would you accept?
- No.
If you could move somewhere else, would you?
- Who knows, next school year I might be.
Do you take compliments well?
- I just thank the person.
Will you be in a relationship in four months?
- Most unlikely.
Do you like to make the first move?
- there have been no moves lol.
Are you trying to avoid liking somebody at the moment?
- No.
Who was the last person you had an argument with?
- My sister.
Who do you miss right now?
- Nobody in particular.
Where is the shirt you are wearing from?
- I dunno.
Are you afraid of falling in love?
- Afraid? No.
Do you know anyone that smokes pot?
- Yes.
Do you want kids?
- Not really. I'm only 19, so I could definitely change my mind, but I really hate children.
Does cuddling freak you out?
- No.
What are you doing tomorrow?
- Probably visiting my grandparents.
Would you sleep with your worst enemy?
- I don't even have one.
What do you want more than anything right now?
- To be less stressed.
How do you deal with sadness?
- Nothing :/
Have you ever been too drunk to drive?
- No.
Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
- Three piercings in each ear.
Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
- Yes.
What's on your mind?
- School, how warm it is in the house.
When was the last time you cried?
- I dunno. I'm not a crier.
Do you act differently around the person you like?
- I don't like anyone.
What's the weirdest thing under your bed?
- There's a plethora of things under there. I have no idea.
Have you ever kissed an ex after you have broken up?
- No.
Do you believe in forever?
- Forever... like... in what way?
Do you get mad easily?
- Not mad, just frustrated.
Whose car were you in last?
- My dad's.
Last movie you watched?
- My sister and I watched Michael Jackson's Ghosts 'cause we had the TV on Much More Music.
Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear?
- Yes.
Do you look people in the eye when you talk to them?
- I do, but sometimes I feel uncomfortable.
Have you ever been called a slut?
- No.
What is a misconception one might get about you if they only saw your room?
- That I don't bother dusting. I swear, it just comes back right afer I dust! D:
Does the way you dress put you in a stereotype?
- I don't think so.
Does your transportation say something about your personality?
- No lol.
If you were someone else, would you be friends with who you are now?
- I dunno.
What famous person would you be most excited to meet?
- Oh man, I dunno... Could I go back about 790 years to meet this peson?
If you got a life time supply of anything of your choice, what would it be?
- Money.
If you clone yourself and kill your clone, is it considered suicide?
- Murder.
Why do sleeping pills have labels on them that say "WARNING, May cause drowsiness"?
- I dunno.
Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle?
- I totally saw something about that on TV. Something to do with no being able to evaportate.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- Some larger branches, perhaps?
If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
- "success, happiness, wisdom" -
lem0nlight. Sounds good to me!
Why is everyone so FREAKING obsessed with Twilight?
- I have no idea. It started this whole stupid vampire craze, too. Do you know how many vampire-related books we get anyomore at work!?
What's the point of Braille on vending machines?
- Shouldn't it be obvious? For blind people.
Why does everyone like Nevershoutnever lately?
- What is that?
What's with all the apps on MySpace...?
- I don't use MySpace, so idk.
What's up with me not having any good questions?
- lol.
If practice makes perfect and nobody's perfect, why practice?
- I was reading this book at work, and part of it said, "You know the phrase, 'those who can't do, teach'? Well, if you noticed, teachers aren't particularly worse at anything than anyone else. Maybe the saying should be, 'nobody can do anything.'" I liked that XD
Why are a lot of people "emo" all of a sudden?
- I dunno... a trend was spakred lol.
Am I the only one who noticed any of this?
- No.
What do you think of touch screen phones?
- I don't like touch screen stuff.
Would you ever go to a boarding school?
- No.
What do you think the most disgusting food/drink is?
- Um... the fact that people EAT dandelions makes me want to vomit.
Do you still have clothes from Limited Too?
- Never shopped there.
Do you think clichés are over rated?
- Well, yeah.
How do you find out about new music?
- LJ communities, forums,, sometimes my sister.
Where do your best friends like to go out to eat?
- I dunno.
Do you ever put pictures from magazines on your walls?
- Nope.
What brand of shaving creme do you have?
- Just soap for me lol.
Does your family own a telescope?
- No.
Do you ever wear headbands?
- Only when I shower and am not washing my hair to hold back my bangs in the shower cap.
What was your favorite thing to learn about in school this past year?
- Learning as much German as I did. I mean, I need more vocabulary and verb tenses, but I could definitely get around the country.
Do you like Cheese Nips or Cheese Itz better?
- Neither.
Are your favorite names unique or normal?
- I don't think I have favourite names.
If you play The Sims 3, what is your favorite thing about it?
- All the fabulous options and being able to customize stuff. I also love how you can quickly go between locations.
Can you walk to any of your friends' houses?
- Yes.
What is the next holiday that you will be attending a party/get together for?
- Umm... Thanksgiving in October.
Do you think anyone on the Disney Channel is attractive?
- lmao no.
Do you still build sand castles at the beach?
- I hate the beach.
Would you be surprised if someone knocked on your door at midnight?
- Probably.
Do you turn your computer off or just keep it on all the time?
- I would like to keep it on, but my dad has told me he wants it shut down at night.
How often does your computer freeze?
- All the fucking time omg. I want to throw it out the window sometimes. It's not like I'm even doing much when it happens. It shouldn't freeze when I'm just using the internet. Sometimes it freezes before I can even do anything :S
Which one of your parents/guardians are more protective of you?
- Mom.
When you play Monopoly, do you play the original or do you play a special edition one (i.e. New York City Edition, Beeropoly)?
- I haven't played Monopoloy in years, thank God, but I only played the original.
Do you ever do something, and then wonder how many people are currently doing the same thing as you?
- sometimesSometimes.
When's the last time the power went out in your house?
- I don't remember. Not recently.
Is there a laundry basket in your room? If yes, what color is it?
- No.
Do you like those different flavored Tootsie Rolls?
- I've never had another flavour :O I didn't even know there were other flavours.
Do you keep your shoes on a shoe rack, or just throw them somewhere?
- We keep 'em by the backdoor.
Think of the last verbal argument you were in; what caused it?
- Probably with my sister. Most likely she was being an asshole.
Does your refrigerator have one door or two?
- Two.
Do you smoosh bugs, or just let 'em go?
- I kill small spider and ants, but the rest I call my dad for. Except when I'm home alone or with my sister, then I have to be brave and suck up spiders with the vacuum. I couldn't muster the courage to kill a centepede.
Do you know anyone who collects stamps?
- No.
Do you have any friends that play instruments?
- My one friend plays guitar and a few play the flute lol.
Do you have any old shoe boxes in your room?
- I might.
What was the last thing you deleted off of your computer?
- Probably a .rar file.
Do you own any turtleneck sweaters/shirts?
- No.
When putting up pictures/posters, do you prefer tacks or tape?
- I have my posters framed. It looks so much neater.
If you had to choose to live inside of one book/book series which would it be, and why?
- I dunno... A Haruki Murakami novel maybe.
What's the strangest band name you've ever heard?
- Rβinθn.
Are you a fan of Michael Jackson's music? (R.I.P)
- Uh, not really. Not that I don't like it, but he wasn't as popular by the time I was born.
Do you like toilet paper to roll under or over?
- Over.
Are there any songs you like that are in another language?
- Why yes, there are.
What's one song you can really relate to currently?
- I dunno.
Do you own any band tees? If so, how many?
- Yes. More than I should. I dunno maybe 13 or 14.
What are your plans for the Fourth of July? (If you live in America.)
- I worked, but I'm not American. I still had to listen to fireworks, though.
Are there any old dishes in your room?
- No.
Have you ever used a fire extinguisher?
- No.
What was the last thing you said out loud?
- "Yeah, definitely not what he says *lol*"
Is there something else that you're supposed to be doing currently?
- Not supposed to, but I should really be practicing writing hanzi characters.
Do you ever make your own sound effects for things?
- Yeah lol.
Do you like Ramen Noodles? If so, what's your favorite flavor?
- I'm not picky.
Have you ever read a book all the way through in one day?
- I think I have.
Are there any flat screen televisions in your house?
- Uno.
Do birds chirps outside your windows in the morning?
- Oui.
Do you use a lot of salt?
- No.
Have you ever broken something at someone else's house?
- Not that I recall.
Have you ever done a Chinese fire drill?
- A what?
If you had to write a book about your life up until now, would it be an interesting read, or would it be boring?
- Not intersting at all.
When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
- It's been a while.
What's worse; Pro-Activ commercials or those Free Gold Kit commercials?
- Pro-Activ!
Would you rather go on vacation to Texas or Colorado?
- Ideally, neither. I have no interest in going to Colorado and I don't ever want to visit Texas.
What's the best song to sing when you're about to let out a fart?
- lmao idk.
Have you ever written anything on a bathroom wall or door?
- Nope.
Ever open a bag of chips in the grocery store and eat them before paying?
- No.
Would you want your future children to date someone like you as a teenager?
- No.
Latest you stayed up in the past week? And why?
- A little after 3:30 am, 'cause I can.
What was on your mind mostly today?
- School, sucky work, my warm house.
INTERESTED in anyone at the moment?
- No.
Have a best friend?
- Not really. I'm not super close with any of my friends.
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
- I worked today and tomorrow I think I'm just visiting my grandparents.
For the rest of the week?
- Working, I guess.
Are you in a good mood right now?
- Not really.
What's bothering you right now?
- School.
Are you on medication for anything?
- Not yet, but allergy medication all too soon :(
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone for over an hour?
- My mom, maybe? Back when I had like 3 hours to kill at school.
If you were upset, who's the first girl you would go to?
- No one.