One day there will be a new layout...

Feb 08, 2009 02:07

I just came across on hell of a band name: Rβinθn. And you are supposed to pronounce that how? Let's treck through this, shall we? R-ss-i-n-th(voiceless)-n. Yikes.

My German professor gave the class a site to check out and she made it sound really cool: Step into German. It's not. The design of the site's pretty atrocious and the content's boring.

I got my orders this week. First came my Sora to ito singles. Blargh. I ended up liking Sora to ito more than I thought I would, but it's not like I love it or anything. There's gayness that can't be excused. The other two tracks blow. Especially the Satochi song... Kika-something. At least Kanariya is good for a few listens. DVD's nothing special, either. Live performances are good and MUCC speak some English. I have growing concern and disappointment with the direction they're heading/have been going. I have high hopes for the album though.

I also ordered a DVD called Making of Mongol from YesAsia to use up my coupon. It's region free and 70mins and only cost like $20US. It was pretty interesting. Asano Tadanobu showed all his lines written out in katakana so he could learn them. Him and the guy who played Altan (I want to say) seem to have gotten along really well lol.

I finished Haruki Murakami's South of the Border, West of the Sun yesterday. Great book, as usual; I've never read one that's disappointed me. I hope he writes more short stories though ♥

Ugh, today was just one of those boring, nothing-exciting-happened days at work. I shelf read for way too long and really didn't put much away. And of course, they did the return box late, so I couldn't get it all put away D:

omg I love this video and I'm not even much of a PV person. It's simple looking, but so cool... except the part of her in the white dress. As soon as I saw it, I put it on my iPod.

image Click to view

1.Who were you with last night?
My sister

2. What woke you up this morning?
My alarm clock

3. Where are you?
My basement

4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Maybe. I plan or reading, but I have to mid-terms Thursday, so I have to study too.

5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?

8. When’s the last time you cried?
I can't remember. I'm not a crier.

-The PAST-

10. Ever thrown up in public?

11. Passed out because of alcohol?

12. What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW?
It smells like popcorn in here


13. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
Not anyone, it'd have to be someone important.

14. Where would you like to live?
I'm not too sure about that yet. I don't think I want to stay in Windsor though.

15. What kind of home would you like?
A house. I don't see the point in apartments, unless you live in a place where there aren't really houses.

16. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I still have no idea D:

17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Still in university

20. who is your number one? And why?
I don't have one

22. Who did you kiss last?
My parents left for vacation on Thursday, so them

23. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
I'm too lazy to check

24. Are you good friends with this person?

25. How often do you log into wordpress?
Into where?

(wheres 26?)


27.Do you like peanut butter?

28. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
I slipped on my coat that's laying on the floor in my room a couple weeks ago

29. Do you listen to music every day?

30. Do you still go trick or treating?

31. What was the last thing you ate?

32. Are you a fast typer?:
Usually yes, but not so much on my laptop because I don't use it too often

33. About how many people have you liked?
Friends? Love?

34. What are you doing this weekend?
Studying, reading, working

35. Whats your favorite type of SODA?
I don't like it

36. Have you ever moved?

37. Have you ever won an award?
Honour roll if that counts lol

38. Do you do any sports or other activities that are unusual?
I like badminton in the summer

39. What do you want to do right now?

40. Are you listening to music right now?
Yes. Hande Yener - Fırtına

42. Whats a word or phrase that you love?
I'm not sure

43. How many days till your birthday?
A month and 7 days

44. When were you the saddest in your whole life?
Maybe when my grandpa died

45. What time is it?
2:04 am

16. do u use Ebay?

47. What makes you pissed off?
Stupid patrons at work; school

48. Have you ever had a song written about you?

49. What song makes you cry?
I already said I'm not a crier, so none

50. What song cheers you up?
Currently Perfume's Secret Secret. It's so fun.

51. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?

52. Do you have a job?
Part time library page

53. What does Your CD player have in it right now?
My German language exercide CD from last semester

54. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
I dunno, blue maybe?

55. What makes you happy?
Doing stuff I like.

56.What’s the next CD you’re gonna get?
I'm going to preorder alan's first album and MUCC's new one soon.


5′7" or 5'8" I'm not positive

Dark brown

[Eye Color]

3 in each ear


[wearing right now:]

[What taste is in your mouth?]

[Get Motion Sickness]
Yes, but I never actually throw up

[Have a bad habit?]
Twirling my hair

5, 5, 5, More!

[5 Favorite Bands]
Ugh. Hard.

2) Dir en grey
3) Alexisonfire
4) Deftones
5) Plastic Tree

[5 Favorite Songs]
I could never do like forever favourites; so just recent. A lot of pop, as you can see.

1) Sowelu - Material World
2) Cancer Bats - Lucifer's Rocking Chair
3) Koda Kumi - Driving
4) Altan Urag - Ikh mongol
5) alan - Gunjou no tani

[Your Top 5 Most Played Songs]

1. capsule - JUMPER
2. Aira Mitsuki - China Discotica
3. MUCC - Aoi mori
4. MUCC - Fukurou no yurikago
5. alan - 赤壁 ~大江东去~


What is your favorite genre of music?
Rock in some form or another. I do listen to a ton of Asian pop, though.

What is your least favorite genre of music?
Rap, country.

Who is/are your favourite vocalist(s)?
Oh dear... Tatsurou, Chino Moreno. I can't even think.

Who is/are your favourite guitarist(s)?
I'm going to be lame and skip these.

Who is/are your favourite bassist(s)?

Who is/are your favourite drummer(s)?
This one would be the hardest for me, so it's definitely getting skipped.

Who is/are your favourite song writer(s)?
Miya's written so much of MUCC's songs, meaning most of my favourites and some of their recent bests.

Do you download songs or buy CDs?
Both, but I DL more.

Mp3/iPod or CD Player?
iPod. I only use my CD player for my German language exercises CD.

How many band shirts/hoodies you own?
I think I have more band shirts than regular shirts. So, too many.

What is your favorite band shirt/hoodie?
I really like the Dir en grey one I bought last time I saw them.

What music posters do you have up in your room?
3 MUCC, one Dir en grey.

Do you consider screaming another form of music?
I'm not sure I even understand this properly.

What album are you ashamed to have?
L'Arc en Ciel, Theory of a Deadman, Sum 41. Uggghhhh.

Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
In one, no.

Last CD you bought?
MUCC's Sora to ito singles.

What song do you love at the moment?

Most annoying song?
Koda Kumi's BLING BLING BLING. But yet, I can't bring myself to stop listening to it D:

Current least favorite song?
Oh.. the above I guess.

What was the last song you listened to?
MUCC - Tonbi ♥

Last song to be stuck in your head?
D. Burmaa - Uzesgelen goo

Do you listen to a variety of music?
Possibly. I know I'm not quite as all over the place as other people though.

If you could hang out with a musician for a day, who would it be?
I'm really not sure.


Is music important to you?

Could you live without music?
Well yes, but I would be miserable.

haruki murakami, meme, music, work, mucc

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