I'm free! Free I tell's ya! Free!

Dec 11, 2008 00:42

Yes, I finished my last class this moring. I have my exams next week and then I'm off for two weeks :3 This semester was pretty terrible and the unfortunate thing is that it's not any better next semester. German being a double credit course completely sucked the fun out of it because of all the work I had to to. And what else is great, I want nothing to do with German career wise. Thanks, UofWindsor for offering so many great course/major options.

I've been listening to Nominjin a lot lately... I mean, the handful of YouTube-ripped mp3s I have. There's an English interview with her on YT and her English is perfect. I knew it was good based on what I've heard in songs, but I was shocked. Unfortunately, all her videos are pretty much God awful (like this one) lol, but the songs are good.

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Номинжин - Үлэмжийн Чанар
Nominjin - Ulemjiin chanar

Үлэмжийн чанар төгөлдөр
Ulemjiin chanar togoldor

Өнгө нь тунамал толь шиг
Ongo ni tunamal toli šig

Үзэсгэлэнтэй хөөрхөн царайг чинь
Uzesgelentei hoorhon tsaraig chini

Үзээд үзээд ханашгүй,ай үнэн хө
Uzeed uzeed hanašgui, ai unen ho

Сэтгэлийг минь булаамаар аа, ай хө
Setgeliig mini bulaamaar aa, ai ho

Бадмын дундаас дэлгэрсэн
Badm[ii]n dundaas delgersen

Балын амтанд дурламаар аа
Bal[ii]n amtand durlamaar aa

Баясгалантай хөөрхөн царайг чинь
Ba[ya]sgalantai hoorhon tsaraig chini

Бахархаад бахархаад баршгүй
Baharhaad baharhaad baršgui

Урмыг нь хөгжөөмөөр өө
Urm[ii]g ni hogjoomoor oo

I taught myself the Cyrillic alphabet last weekend, but I'm not sure if I'm romanizing things properly. Is х 'kh' or just 'h'? I know it doesn't make a difference pronunciation wise. I also don't get ы - is that 'ii'? Is я 'ya' and ь 'i'? Those are the only one's I'm stuck on.

Is the new Super VC album actually out? If so, I would greatly enjoy acquiring that. Their previous album is fantastic, so I have high hopes for the new one :3

I want to travel, damnit. I'm looking into those guided tour things for China, but I have no one to go with and I wouldn't want to go alone D: I found this website with some really great ones and even lets you make your own :O How awesome would that be? *_* I could do everything I wanted all in one go.

school, misc, nominjin, travel, language

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