capsule ♥♥♥

Oct 26, 2008 00:13

Ugh, I had my midterm tonight for the online class. It was one of those things where about half the questions were ones you only wouldn't get if you were a moron and the others were ones that could be 2 or the 3 options (most was multiple choice). Argh D: I hope the stuff I guessed turns out well. On the other hand, I am kicking ass in my German class. It's quite a bit of work, but I like it and I get it 8D

I went and saw Eagle Eye with two of my friends last night. I really liked it, it was so action-packed lol. I was so tense through most of it, especially the first chase scene where they're both in the car. Awesome. My friend Marisa was working that night, so we got to see her :3

Since the PV for capsule's JUMPER came out, I haven't stopped listening to the song. It's seriously fucking awesome. It's easily my favourite capsule song. It's a fairly long song, but it really doesn't seem that way. Their album is going to be awesome, I can't wait for its release. If you have not experienced the greatness that is capsule: JUMPER PV (YouTube)

I'm tempted to get rid of some of my Japanese CDs... but at the same time I don't want to let them go lol. I'm such a materialistic person D: The stuff I'm thinking of possibly getting rid of would be Gazette's Reila singles (all 3), Kagrra's San (ltd edition) and Nigtmare's Libido (+photobook) along with some magazines and maybe Ayu's Uraayu. Those aren't really any use to me anymore...

I watched Mongol again, but with my parents this time. They both really liked it, which I was kind of surprised about.

Know what I hate? The price of flights. I'll never end up going anywhere because of the cost of damn tickets. Uuuugh, I have to register for my winter semester tomorrow. That'll be a pleasant experience. And, my evaluation was cancelled... again D: Jesus.

cds, school, movies, capsule, work

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