The Olympics start at 7:00am here. Stupid time difference. So much for watching the opening ceremony. I think they're doing a re-cap at 7pm though... That
Beijing Wlecomes You song/video is so cute lol
I listened to Mudvayne the other night. It's been so long. LD 50 and The End of All Things to Come are awesome albums.
I have yet to receive a student ID card, I have no laptop and no books. I am so prepared for university, as you can see.
I went to see Hancock Tuesday. It was so good! I can't wait until it's out on DVD. Like, I Am Legend, it really wasn't what I was expecting. We only went to see it because that was the only movie showing at a good time, but I'm glad we went ♥♥
I got my package from YesAsia delivered last week. The delivery people shoved the box into my mailbox :/ How stupid... Anyways, to continue my stream of unhappiness with them, both the CD and DVD have scratches and are dirty on the cases. But, the shipping was very fast once they send it out. Actually, I got it in about the same time as something I would have paid at least three times more from CDJapan. Shoxx Ex is in perfect condition, though.
I've only watched half of Prince of the Himalayas, but it's pretty good. I use the Tibetan audio and English subtitles, rather than Chinese audio. The scenery and costumes are all stunning and the slight differences from Hamlet are nice. BUT, it does not work in any of my DVD players :(
And, to share: here's the album I got in my delivery. I think it's one of the best to come out last year. Chinese indie. It's not boring or stupid sounding like so many other Chinese indie groups/artists :P
卡奇社 Carrchy - 日光傾城 Ri Guang Qing Cheng 01 日光傾城 ♥ ♥
02 唯虫 ♥
03 遊園驚夢
04 假面舞會 ♥
05 DiDaDi ♥♥
06 讓我睡著吧
07 吸血鬼 ♥
08 壞唇色 ♥
09 紅色 ♥
10 日光傾城(純演奏版)
11 遊園驚夢(純演奏版)