2006 MUCC in EURO Translation

Jan 08, 2008 21:40

Found this randomly. I don't know if it's in English anywhere... but whatever. Sorry for any mistakes, I haven't had French in a while, but it should at least be close. Italics are notes for my crappy translation XD

((From http://zetsubou.free.fr/))

2006 MUCC in EURO, May 13, 2006

01. Present yourselves to the eventual visitors who don't know you.
M: We are a Japanese group named MUCC. Our music is dark and powerful at the same time.

02. Who are your influences or favourite groups?
M: X-Japan
Y: Luna Sea and Judy and Mary
T: Buck-Tick
S: Metallica

03. Houyoku shows a change, a certain maturation. Was it voluntary?
(Tatsurou takes out his lighter, plays with it by lighting it and doesn't hesitate to heat Yukke's chin with it)
T: Houyoku is a reference to a bird on the cover who left the cold land in the north for the south. It's a new challenge.

04. Some of your fans found that you quieted down musically in Houyoku. What do you think? (Like, it wasn't as heavy as past albums)
M: It's not untrue. Parts are more accessible, but it doesn't mean it's soft. (Sorry, I don't know how to word that last bit :/)

05. How do you choose the songs that will be on the album and which ones won't?
M: An album is like a piece of work, a vision, and songs are chosen that fit that vision.

06. In regards to the cover, who decides on the design? You, or outside suggestions?
M: It depends, sometimes what we want, sometimes suggestions by designers.
--And Houyoku?
M: It was by a designer who proposed it according to the vision we had.

07: Why are there small additions at the beginning of songs live? Like, for example, Tonbi?
M: Lives give us more freedom.

08. What type of venue do you prefer? Big or small livehouses?
M: Both.
T: Both, but I regret that we aren't playing any big venues in France.

09. What do you do before lives? Do you have any rituals?
M: I stretch.
Y: I stretch and smoke.
T: I stretch, do vocal exercises and I drink water until I can't drink anymore(?).
S: I stretch and breathe 30 seconds before going on stage (he breathes in and out in front of us).

10. How do you decide your setlists?
M: In regards to the albums released in that country. But we play new songs and old ones.

11. You've been a group for a long time. Is there sometimes tension?
T: No, there is never 'bad blood' between us.

12. If you weren't in MUCC, what would you actually be doing?
T: I would be a hairdresser.
M: I would be a sound engineer.
Y: Since I wasn't there at the start of MUCC, I'd probably be in another group.. or working at a factory.
S: I would be a surfer!
--A great surfer, I'm sure!
S: Hahaha naaaan! (laughs)

13. Many find small similarites with THE BACK HORN in your latest work. Are you fans, have you played together?
M: Yes, we've already played together and like them a lot. That's sometimes said to us.

14. Do you know any French groups?
M: Pleymo.

15. Do you know how to play any other instruments?
M: I know how to play the drums and bass. Piano, as well, but I must have forgotten (laughs) (Thank you, yubisan)
Y: Kazoo (while mimicking the instrument).
--Obviously, one can hear you in Yume no Machi.
Y: Yes, yes! (laughs)
T: Harmonica.
Satochi: (Puts his hands on his chest and sings in opera) I sing!

16. What did you think of the night of May 9th?
T: It was great!

17: A question for Miya: is a new Gekigakutai album to be expected?
M: No.

18. Will the new song, Gerbera, be on the next album?
M: Yes, of course.

19. In the beginning, you were very ergouro. Where did the inspiration come from?
T: In fact, I don't understand why people label us like that. On the borderline, the grotesque side... (NB: In Japanese, 'horrific', 'macabre') at the beginning... ('A la limite' is what it was... not that what I wrote made any sense >_<)

20. A technical question about drums for Satochi: how long did it take to acquire the independance of your hands and arms?
S: I don't know now, I forgot while I became a surfer! (laughs)
(NB: The interpreter didn't know how to explain it to Satochi) (Okay, that's why his answer doesn't make sense!)

21. What is the best and worst memory of your career?
M: There's so much that it doesn't come back.

22. What do you like to see at the movies?
T: A little bit of everything. And you? (XD)
--Actions films, horror films...
T: I'd like to see The Da Vinci Code.

23. What's your favourite MUCC song?
M: Impossible...
Y: There are some also strong. (Whaaaat D:)
T: It's hard to choose but when I write the lyrics, they have a background and each one relates to a certain frame of mind.
S: All (Makes a grand gesture with his arms)

24. Yukke, where does this particular hairstyle come from?
Y: Oh good, you find it original?
--Yes, it's associated with the image of MUCC, the guy with the blond bowlcut.
Y: In fact, when I was 5, I imagined to create myself a persona, a particular image, and it came gradually.

25. Satochi, where does this eternal good mood come from?
S: Because I eat a lot of meat! (laughs)

26. Do you have collaboration projects with other groups?
M: There was, and there will be others.

27. Yukke, why is "Lego of Rock" written on your picks?
Y: It's a bad pun (laughs)
(He explains while mimicking with his arms as if blocks were piling up)
Y: In Japan, to indicate Lego, one says "Lego Block" ('rego burokku'). I had the idea of lego rock ('rego rokku'). Rego burokku... rego rokku... they're smilar, right? (laughs)

28. And finally, a message for our visitors?
M: We'll come back next year!
Y: Look at the dates on the website and come!
T: I'll do anything possible to come back! Wait for me!
S: See you at the next concert! (In French) Merci merci merci!

I got Kuchiki no Tou yesterday. I loooove the booklet *_* Gah, I still need 3 more MUCC albums to complete that part of the collection. I was going to order another with my Christmas money from HMV, but none that I didn't already have shipped within 24 hours like the rest of the stuff I ordered :(

Does anyone happen to know where these pictures are from? (I lol'ed the first time I saw that Satochi picture :P)

(I believe the second is k0zue's.)

translation, mucc

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