Oct 17, 2005 18:55
Wow. What a fun day! Today, I found this fetus on the side of the road at my house, and I took it inside and it was still alive! So, I got a pan, and turned on the stove, and rolled him (or her) in some flour, and through him in the pan. My, oh my, you wouldn't believe the shriek that came from that fetus! Anyways, I let him cook for a good half-hour or so, or at least until he was golden brown, and took him off the heat. I first took a big bite out of his leg. MMMMM DELICIOUS! You all are going to HAVE to try some fetus one day. I'm gonna grill one next time I find one.
HAHAHAHAHA. Don't stay logged in to my computer anymore, baby. This is what happens when you DO!
I love you bunches. LAUGH WITH ME! HAHAHAHAHA.