Want to help me make silly Halloween decisions? (OOC)

Oct 26, 2012 23:38

Thought I'd ask other ppl's opinions on Halloween costumes. Mostly to narrow them down, but if you have more suggestions I'd be interested too.

Someone kickass: Lara Croft (thanks Marie!), Xena, Princess Leia or Leeloo
Pop star, mostly because I'd love to see her as Lady Gaga
Angry pirate
Ariel (probably a bit too on the nose. But they're both redheads!)

Jesus (still the frontrunner)
Captain Jack Harkness
Han Solo (maybe possibly because of Abed) or someone else kinda badass, like Neo from the Matrix movies
Something with cross-dressing because how great would that be. Maybe someone convinces him to go as Xena!

Also something involving cross-dressing because... that would be awesome.
Just going in full battle regalia, so when shit hits the fan he can help out
Something totally random, like a squirrel. Definitely need more ideas for Thor!
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