Mar 08, 2010 17:02
Polish people are really into International Women's Day.....
I got back into town and everyone was carrying flowers, nice. Had to ask my shop lady whether it was a holiday because i actually had no idea it was today. For this occasion my sweetest flat-mate ever (Michael) had gotten me a tasty dark chocolate bar, (my favorite)- I knew he was a good addition to this home.
Now i have to brave the cold again to teach a couple of snot-nosed little boys. Not looking forward to it, but when i get back maybe i'll share some London experiences. If i don't pass out, that is. For now, all i will say is....
I went crazy for PBC. It was great fun, they sold the place out, the venue was awesome and a man pissed himself on stage which i think is the first time i have heard of that happening....ever. Luckily i had moved a little bit away at that point. (Gross) Could barely speak the next day.
London rules...... seriously hard.