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Feb 07, 2005 06:33

I'm doing laundry at 6:30 in the morning.

A 4:30 wake up time is difficult, but the hour long conversations with my father that follow are well worth the lost sleep. the city that i have not seen for days rises over the horizon in its glittery unwavering posture that hugs me as we get closer. thank god it's not raining.

a weekend of coincidences, love, kisses and questions is still resonating in my mind after a drive home last night that left me wondering why i am so happy to be alone. right now.

Allie, Curt, Dom, Amber, Andrea, Hardeep - had i been running 5 minutes ahead or behind this weekend, i would not have seen any of you. You are amazing and make me feel like I never left.

every weekend in dartmouth is like a vacation from the bustling fishnet of a megalopolis i feel i am caught in. never a familiar face anymore. it's good to know i am welcomed with open arms. if you ever need a place to stay in the city, you know where to find me.

i am in a very calm, reflective mood despite the dose of caffeine i've given myself this morning. another week ahead of me, and i feel i need more motivation. i have been working out a lot, and feel amazing, strong, and energetic. my mind on the other hand drifts to things that distract me from the important things. \\

Boston is the new New York. in terms of friendliness anyways. how has this city, that once was such a great place when i was in high school, become so cruel? the general public has acquired this air of elitism and desperation, pushing you out of the way in search of their own lost, forgotten identity. turn off the tv folks. it doesn't need to be like this.

KM- you are in my prayers because of the injustices that life has brought you, but i know you will be ok. i'm scared too. we're too young to put up with this kind of stuff. keep your head up and don't let it bother you too much. ((nolite te bastardes carborundorum.))
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