Sep 04, 2007 13:36
well, he's here. and i can't believe i did it. i swear, giving birth was such a life and mind altering event, i don't think i will ever get over the experience.
i went into labor very early thursday morning (well, active labor) and labored at home until i couldn't take the pain any longer... and that just happened to be when my contractions were coming at about two minutes apart. got to the hospital at 6:05 pm, got checked to make sure i was really in labor, was dialated to 7 cm and then was admitted. my water broke within minutes of the intial cervical exam and things progressed pretty quickly after that.
i got moved to a birthing room, got hooked up to an iv, and labored in the bed for about two hours with no medication or anything. when i was about 8.5 cm dialated, i asked for an epidural... i just couldn't take the pain of back labor any longer. got the epidural, instantly felt better and labored for about two more hours and was ready to push. i only pushed for about 3 minutes and the doctor came in... he had me push through one more contraction and *pop* out came baby christopher.
overall, i have to say... it was easier than i expected it to be and i am so thankful that i took good care of myself while being pregnant. i really think that being active helped me having a short labor and easy delivery. and having eaten a healthy diet has aided in my loss of 40 pounds so far.
i can't believe it was almost five days ago... it seems like just yesterday he was still in my tummy. *sigh* i am absolutely in love with this being a mom thing.
okay, so i guess i'm rambling... the baby is asleep and i am a little tired so i am off to nap. i'll write more when i am awake.