your daughter, the virgin mary, has been sleeping around.

May 07, 2004 10:15

everyday an angels wings loose sanctity, defiled with a lack of dignity, and this is the grace god gave you, trading your greatest grace to receive its greatest gift, doesn't this bother you?

\\\\\calm the waves of the ocean
\\\\\\\\with your soothing voice
//the same one that sent down the storms
\\\\\\from the cloudiest of eyes
\\\of the most stoic sailors

im not expecting much here burning scorching smoldering on the back burner like water boiling for some miniscule use later when the sun has set and the stars shine above the clouds but the curtained sky never lets their light hit the ground where you lay by the side of demons dancing around your cold body in the feild where he left you after he did what he was told to ruin you like the roman-greco structures we find after so many weathered years of use still standing strong and silent yet you lack that magificance you give up to easily falling steadily right were they want you. dead to the world, relient on the disruptive conferences of lovelessness.

\\\but you know you love it
//////going back for more
\\\\\\\\\\\\and -still- denying it

\\\\\but thats ok- one mistake and
\\\\\\\you'll be better off
\\after all

\\\\\\mother knows best
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\see: /susan smith/

is --it --f-or ---lo-ve---or-- atten-tion-
is-----it------( is - it ? )
--(is it?)--

i [re]member when i cared about nothing more than seeing you (smile).
-and now im left (right ?) to wonder\ -was the bec-uase the
smile - -was- mine ?
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