(no subject)

Dec 02, 2004 07:37

w00t!! I'm soo cool!!! None of you will agree with me, but i got up this morning (because my cat is half siamese and has the worst whiney meow and he woke me up just so he could lay on my pillow) at 7:15 am and i turned on the computer and on msn on the side thingy, there was a little symbol so i clicked it and it gave me the opertunity to listen to a local radio station. I forgot that i had my msn name as located in california so all these california stations popped up and i was all YEAH!!! so now i get to listen to KROQ and that makes me really really happy =]=]=]=]!!!!!!!!


yeah so i know that this will probably piss rob off because he hates california.


love you rob!

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