dumbass Janelle, always trying to be a whore

Nov 22, 2004 10:15

EDIT: Anyone living in miami (305 or 786) can feel free to call the number at the end of the conversation, or if you have free long distance and get bored one night go for it. =]

BabyNell55: happy?
miami rocker 666: sure if u think i wanna talk to you anyway
BabyNell55: ur a fuken bitch think u kno it all
miami rocker 666: considering your a whore. i wouldnt be the first to talk.
BabyNell55: how am i a whore?
miami rocker 666: how are you not?
BabyNell55: wat makes u think i am a whore?
miami rocker 666: everything
BabyNell55: name 2
miami rocker 666: is this janelle?
BabyNell55: yea
miami rocker 666: then because youre janelle and because i hate you
BabyNell55: n y the fuk do u hte me?
BabyNell55: hate*
miami rocker 666: because you pop onto my screen talking to me like im your friend and then when you see that i dont really like you as much as you think you start calling me a bitch and telling me i think i know it all bcuz i asked you to change your font so i could talk to you. and your a whore
BabyNell55: how am i a whore?
miami rocker 666: are you janelle?
BabyNell55: u still havent answer me??
miami rocker 666: are you janelle?
BabyNell55: im not gay atleast
BabyNell55: n just b/c my name is janelle doesnt make me a whore
miami rocker 666: ohh lower your self to please the world. im bi, and for your information you spent an afternoon in a bathroom making out with girls
miami rocker 666: i know
miami rocker 666: i was there
BabyNell55: excuse me but i didnt kiss a grl
BabyNell55: it was u
miami rocker 666: lol
BabyNell55: i kissed 3 guyz
miami rocker 666: briana?
BabyNell55: i never kissed her
BabyNell55: u did
BabyNell55: u fuken bi
BabyNell55: go n fuk urself
miami rocker 666: so? at least i can be sure i dont have an std
miami rocker 666: or pregnant
miami rocker 666: or loose pussy
miami rocker 666: now you
miami rocker 666: youve AT LEAST got the last one
BabyNell55: wat r u trying 2 say?
miami rocker 666: that your a whore
BabyNell55: ur just jealous that i can get guyz n u cant
BabyNell55: im glad u n jose broke up
miami rocker 666: ooh scary
miami rocker 666: i hope you choke
BabyNell55: i hope rob or w/e his name breaks up w/u
miami rocker 666: i hope you choke
miami rocker 666: =]
BabyNell55: at least in not easy u baster
miami rocker 666: you mean bastard
BabyNell55: w/e
miami rocker 666: and im pretty sure you are
BabyNell55: do u even kno wat dat is?
miami rocker 666: bastard? a non genuine person and/or a person born out of wedlock
BabyNell55: wrong
miami rocker 666: or easy... easy would be a whore.. which you wuold be
BabyNell55: a child whos mother had them be4 she was married
BabyNell55: ur a fuken bitch who sleeps w/grlz who probably has aids now
miami rocker 666: lmfao
BabyNell55: i wouldnt doubt it
miami rocker 666: i wouldnt doubt your a loose whore
miami rocker 666: i hope you choke
BabyNell55: its lmao bitch
miami rocker 666: no
miami rocker 666: its lmfao
miami rocker 666: whore
BabyNell55: i hope u go 2 hell
miami rocker 666: =]
miami rocker 666: im talking to you arent i?
BabyNell55: which is probably where u r going
BabyNell55: i swear u come down 2 miami n i find u im going 2 stick u
miami rocker 666: oh shit. im scared that i dont believe in god. but iguess since u do youve had unwed sex a thousand times before so you must go tohell
miami rocker 666: 525 west park drive
miami rocker 666: come get me
BabyNell55: im not that nice grl that i was in doral
miami rocker 666: i didnt like you there either
miami rocker 666: but you werent a whore
miami rocker 666: you got my address?
miami rocker 666: lemme give it to you one more time
miami rocker 666: 525 west park drive
BabyNell55: y cant u come here
BabyNell55: u scared
miami rocker 666: thats in miami
miami rocker 666: dumbass
BabyNell55: dont be hating
miami rocker 666: how can i not hate you?
BabyNell55: ive changed
miami rocker 666: no youve just gotten stupider
BabyNell55: u were alwayz jealous of me
miami rocker 666: no just pissed off that you had to stoop so low
miami rocker 666: but now i cant stand you
miami rocker 666: and i hope you choke
BabyNell55: just like in 9th grd u got made b/c me n jose were going 2 hook up
miami rocker 666: i could have sworn i said that
BabyNell55: admit it u were jealous of me
miami rocker 666: no ill admit i was unaware of how low you could stoop
BabyNell55: wat cat caught ur tongue
miami rocker 666: but then that proves your just a whore, here let me help you
miami rocker 666: whore:

1. A prostitute. 2. A person considered sexually promiscuous. 3. A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.
BabyNell55: wat makes me a whore?
miami rocker 666: i think we went over this
miami rocker 666: infact yeah
miami rocker 666: we did
BabyNell55: no
miami rocker 666: umm yeah
BabyNell55: bitch
miami rocker 666: lol
BabyNell55: slut
BabyNell55: dike
miami rocker 666: your one to talk you damn whore
miami rocker 666: and im bi
BabyNell55: thats y i have a b/f
miami rocker 666: and i dont???
miami rocker 666: i thought you said:
miami rocker 666: BabyNell55: i hope rob or w/e his name breaks up w/u
BabyNell55: hes probably usig u
BabyNell55: using*
miami rocker 666: hmm yes just like all the men in your life have
BabyNell55: b/c ur soo ugly he probably feels sorry 4 u
miami rocker 666: janelle
miami rocker 666: if ur going to try to piss me off
BabyNell55: wat
miami rocker 666: try harder
miami rocker 666: all your doing is making a fool of yourself for not having any origional material
miami rocker 666: so im gay, ooh scary
BabyNell55: y u keep arguing w/me then
miami rocker 666: but see
miami rocker 666: nothing compares to you bein a whore
miami rocker 666: cuz your funny
miami rocker 666: you are giving me and some friends a great laugh
miami rocker 666: and im sure when this goes on my journal
BabyNell55: is it my fault i can get guyz
miami rocker 666: and miami friends read it
miami rocker 666: theyll realize , too that your a whore
miami rocker 666: if they dont already
BabyNell55: oh so its them doing all the talking
BabyNell55: n not u
miami rocker 666: no its me
miami rocker 666: their laughing
BabyNell55: y u cant think of anything urself
miami rocker 666: at your dumb anticts
BabyNell55: yea yea w/e
miami rocker 666: well, at least we can come up with something origional
miami rocker 666: not "bitch, dyke, i get guys blah blah blah"
miami rocker 666: so your wasting my time
miami rocker 666: you have my address
miami rocker 666: when im there ill let you know
BabyNell55: its probably a shack
miami rocker 666: yeah where whores like you reside,
BabyNell55: is that the best u can do
miami rocker 666: its the least i can do
BabyNell55: b/c its not working
miami rocker 666: your wasting my screen space
BabyNell55: still not working
BabyNell55: leave
miami rocker 666: i dont care
miami rocker 666: ok
BabyNell55: no one wants u
miami rocker 666: just besure
miami rocker 666: that when im in miami
BabyNell55: bitch
miami rocker 666: you come to my house
miami rocker 666: okay?
BabyNell55: i dont fuken want 2 go
BabyNell55: u bi
miami rocker 666: aww, scared because im bi
BabyNell55: que bola
BabyNell55: mi amor
BabyNell55: Que te pasa
BabyNell55: Te Pica el bollo
miami rocker 666: so because you think i dont understand you, which i do, you have to go into spanish..thats pretty whore ish
miami rocker 666: you god damn right i do
miami rocker 666: and its the best thing since dick
BabyNell55: What happen you wanted suck my dick me and my friend
miami rocker 666: kay. that makes sense you want me to suck your dick but im gay?
BabyNell55: Im just playing
miami rocker 666: im sure you are
BabyNell55: I love you but i wanted fuck 2
BabyNell55: Putaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
BabyNell55: Locaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
BabyNell55: Mameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
BabyNell55: la el bolloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
BabyNell55: Im her boyfriend okay call me at 305 258 2693
BabyNell55: Please soo we can do something
BabyNell55: Okay
BabyNell55: okay the love i never want
BabyNell55: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

ahh the highlight of my day so far.
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