I'm all behind on fic and stuff but I am way excited about the most recent chapter of trans 2, and of course the final part of 'the best part of you and me'. Also, I have a real hankering for House/Chase atm (HELLO, power dynamics) and I may or may not be midway through writing an epic (in length, rather than quality)
Maryann/Cybill fic solely for my own amusement. Bad nineties sitcom femslash is how I roll, guys. I will not be deterred.
Umm, what else. Oh yeah, Raquel Cassidy was in a recent ep of New Tricks, so there was a total overload of hotness on screen. HAI, Susan from Teachers as a modest, witty particle physicist! Also, hai Amanda Redman, like forever.
This doesn't really do any justice to the attractiveness of either of these ladiez, but LOL @ Amanda Redman's srs face.
Oh, Raquel Cassidy, you are too adorable - though you might need to smack a bitch up in the wardrobe department over what they've got you wearing here.
I think that's everything. Anyone have anything to tell me about what's been happening in fandom recently? Any drama? Any fics I need to be reading or pics I should see?