im comming home this weekend!
rachel is comming with me. im going to get my hairs cut finally. chris, robbie, miranda, rachel, and i are going to the fair !!! and maybe(hopefully) going to see lovedrug and juliana theory !! tell me if you want to come along. wooo. heh. and church sunday to see your pretty faces.
one of the things that is the hardest here is not having a church to be a part of. i miss you guys so much. also, God becomes so routine. like i want to go to chapel and study the bible but when its forced and for a grade its easy to lose the passion. and ive done that. and im constantly just going. i need to slow down. im probably the farthest from God that ive been in a long time and its sucky. also the poorest ive been. but i think Gods teaching me to stand on my own. i need to not be so hard on myself. thanks baby for last night and just reminding me that Gods chasing after me even if it doesnt feel like it. but i love it here and im glad i came.. gah its beautiful, you need to come visit me.
and i just want to say, that boy right there is amazing. and has a cute squished nose in that picture. after pretty much going through hell this past year, i didnt think that boys like him existed. he takes care of me, encourages me, doesnt let me pay for anything, opens my door, puts me first, doesnt give up on me, always tells me im pretty, cares about what i have to say, never gives me any reason to not trust him(and thats hard for me), and treats me like im worth having. oh and buys me green jellybeans. im a lucky girl :)