Mar 05, 2004 23:15
i just got this sweet chest piece done by jeremy and its so croosh,,there were all these lame randos there though and it make me soooooo mad.we were listening to earth crisis but there was this one song that i liked a lot but i dont know the name of it but i told him it was my favorite song anyways how would he know right? anyways some loser spilt beer on my brand new bane hoodie last night at some party i told him to shove the beer up his ass and i showed him my sxe tat on my hand and he called me a faggot and then i got in my car and listened to bright eyes and cried on the way home. so when i got home i was just so upset that i lit up a fag (thats the cool way to say cigarette now) and i broke my edge after five years of being so strong and then i started crying because i broke my edge so i went and got a beer and figured i should get drunk and stop being so FUCKING GAY .
oh yeah you guys should email me :
send me hate mail.