There was something else... Hairbo Fun Mix or something? And some sort of biscut (that I can't remember the name of... Jeremy something or other I think)... now I hear all these different kinds of names of foods...and I want to try them all!
hehe! they have made some new ones, instead of orange they're cherry flavour lmao!!! haribos! omg they are the bestest sweets everr! and i dno bout the biscuits :S
There was something else... Hairbo Fun Mix or something? And some sort of biscut (that I can't remember the name of... Jeremy something or other I think)... now I hear all these different kinds of names of foods...and I want to try them all!
haribos! omg they are the bestest sweets everr! and i dno bout the biscuits :S
What exactly is Hairbo's funmix? Is it like....well what kinda sweets is it?
And I think the name of biscut is called Jeremy Dodger... or something Dodger anyways... lol
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