So I just discovered that my pal
Marcello has linked me from his blog. Now there may be some Coloradoans (huh?) reading this. In that case, umm... I don't know what you say to them. One of the two times I was in Colorado, someone came up to my friends and I and asked us about pot. Oh, and my friend Dave got really mad when a snowball was thrown at him. Seriously, he's not joking around. Anyway, thanks for the link.
I haven't written in a while. I don't think anyone's dying to know why, but it's mainly because of laziness. It's really cold in the basement, too, so I don't spend too much time down here. I will say that things have suddenly become more clear to me. It's not that I have everything figured out, but I'm more accepting of the things that I have to do and the things that really are important to me. But I promised to not write about it too much (or did I promise the opposite?). But I will say one last thing...
Two of the following statements are true. Can you guess which ones they are?
-I just turned 23
-All of my fish are still alive
-I recently got drunk and found that I talk a lot when doing so