Il promenade app

Jan 14, 2011 00:03


✧ NAME: Kibs
✧ LJ USERNAME: nanakosaske 
✧ CONTACT (EMAIL, AIM, MSN, PLURK, ETC.): AIM: Splody Kimblee, E-mail:, Plurk: Kibstang (although my Plurk is set to private, so I apologize if I don't add anyone right away)
✧ CURRENT MUSE LIST: Hatori Sohma (dr_seahorse )


✧ NAME: Roy Mustang
✧ SERIES: Fullmetal Alchemist
✧ HISTORY: Roy’s wiki
✧ TIMELINE: Chapter 93-when he finds out Envy killed Hughes
✧ PERSONALITY: On the surface, Roy is an arrogant, lazy, womanizing man. He’s a ladies man, and he doesn’t pretend not to acknowledge it. He often will find any excuse to not due his paperwork, which, in turn, will lead to them piling up and being over due. He takes advantage of the subordinates he has and will often use them to help him in his work. However, that being said, when the work does need to be done he will do it (especially if it’s close to the deadline).

Roy is probably one of the most egotistical people alive. He is very sure of both his skills as a soldier and of his looks. He always loves to make snarky comments and has no problem pointing out when someone is wrong. In fact, he will often go out of his way to tease others-especially Fullmetal.

Roy will often go on dates with many women. In fact, he is notorious for stealing the girlfriends of other men. He is a constant visitor of Madame Christmas, who is the hostess of a gentleman’s club as well as his foster mother. However, it is later revealed that Madame Christmas and the girls with her are a part of an intelligence group that corresponds with Mustang. In reality, he uses the dates he has as a way of gaining information about things that are going around in the city.

However, his lazy and flirtatious attitude is just a front. He’s smart and cunning, often speaking in code when he needs to hide what he is saying. An example of this would be after Riza is transferred to be the Fuhrer’s secretary. They meet and sit together at lunch where they then proceed to have a-seemingly-harmless conversation about the relationships between a bunch of people. It is later revealed that the first letters of each of the names spells out an important message. In addition, he is very good at manipulating situations and people so that they, unknowingly, benefit his own needs at the time.

When Roy was in his twenties, he, like the other State Alchemists, was sent to raze a city named Ishbal due to a rebellion that was unable to be subdued. At Ishbal, Roy considered himself to be a killer, and blamed himself for the damage that they caused. However, through the war, he realized that he was protecting his men, and it was then that he decided to become Fuhrer. He kept the people he could trust close to him, all of whom became part of his group. As a result, he is an extremely loyal man who cares for the lives of his subordinates-often telling them not to die, or not to die before him. If he had to choose between saving his own life or his subordinates’, he would choose the latter. Incidentally, he does have a short temper, especially when his subordinates are at risk or being threatened.

After his best friend, Maes Hughes, died, Roy was set on revenge. He swore he would find the one who murdered Hughes and kill them himself. As his death was related to the Brass of the military, Hughes’ death pushed Roy even more to become Fuhrer.

✧ ABILITIES/POWERS: Roy Mustang is also known as the Flame Alchemist. He got this name because he is able to create and manipulate flames in the air. He does this by using his gloves, which are made out of a material called ignition cloth, and that have a transmutation circle on the back. With a snap of his fingers the ignition cloth creates a flame, and with alchemy, he changes the chemistry in the air so that he is able to manipulate the flames in any way that he wants. In addition, Roy can also manipulate fire from anything that creates a flame (such as a lighter) by drawing the transmutation circle on his hand. This can be seen in his battle with Lust.


✧ MASK DESIGN: this mask!
✧ PLACE OF SOLACE: Madame Christmas’ bar


Well, this isn’t exactly what I meant when I said I wanted a break from the paperwork. What happened? I don’t remember being ambushed…I’m definitely not in Central.

Fullmetal, if this is your idea of a joke, you can be sure that the next time I see you, you will be a charcoaled shrimp.

Hawkeye. If you’re here, I want a full report of what’s going on immediately. Names, locations, everything. You are to leave nothing out.

If, however, I have been kidnapped, then let me introduce myself. You can call me Colonel Roy Mustang. Or the Flame Alchemist. Whatever you do, heed my warning: You have just made the biggest mistake of your life by abducting me. Show yourselves or else you will pay. I’m not giving you another chance….

over here!
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