(no subject)

Sep 14, 2005 04:02

i bleached my hair today and it was a pretty bad idea. my self esteem had been pretty high lately. i liked how i looked. i should have left it. dah well.

i rented THE ORDER today and im so pumped to watch it. if you havent seen it go to www.theordermovie.com and watch the trailor. it looks really good.

so i was just thinking and i miss chris moulton. well, i dont really know him so i guess i dont really MISS him, but i couldnt think of a better term.  he was nuts. he was adorable. he was exciting. i would have liked to have gotten to know him better. the whole leaving voicemails on my phone asking to have convorsations with me having never met me thing was intriguing. DAH WELL. i just want to meet somone like him. someone crazy and bizarre (bizzare?) and hot as hell and raspy. SIGH. WHATEVER.

something cool better happen soon. i need some excitement.

oh! when derek left tonight that huge buck was in front of his truck!!! just standing there waiting for him!!! WE DONT EVEN LIVE ANYWHERE NEAR THE WOODS!!!
LifeWontWait138: someday this year jen
LifeWontWait138: we're gonna kill it
LifeWontWait138: and put it's head on the wall over your couch
LifeWontWait138: next to elvis

One of the most wonderful things in nature is a glance of the eye; it transcends speech; it is the bodily symbol of identity.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

LifeWontWait138: well am i right or am i right?  come on people
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