I figured this title would be pretty appropriate for the content. There is gay love and straight love (and if not love, then sexual tension or Nathan Young) and retarded love--and by that, I mean there are crack pairings. WHAT THE CAST ISN'T BIG ENOUGH FOR TEN CANON PAIRINGS OKAY GOSH.
Yeah, yeah, I know the show is out of season (idk, that makes it sound like a fruit but ehh) but I've been wanting to do this picspam forever and Misfits may be gone from my tv, but not from my ~heart. So sit back with a beverage of your choice and get comfy. <3
PLEASE FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS. smoking is okay if you tip good, though.
010. nathan/nikki (or crazy prick/fierce bitch.)
nikki: this guy really is the most unbelievable tool.
OHO. yesyesyes. So, okay, he took a shit in her bed, but I like to think of it as part of the TRUELUVDESTINY that brought them together. Or something. But, really, they have great chemistry, because Nathan is such a prick and Nikki is so DISPLEASED with everything already (pretty much rightly so), so watching them is full of hilarity and awesomeness and I ship it and you should, too. <3
009. simon/sally (or panty sniffer/fit older woman.)
simon: i met a girl.
shygirl18: what's she like?
simon: i think she's lonely.
shygirl18: are you lonely?
simon: yes.
OH NO, WORLD, I WILL NOT LET YOU GET AWAY WITH YOUR SALLY HATE. For real, though, kids. I get that she used him and that's bad, no doubt, but how does that makes her deserving of death, exactly? She used him, and he went into her house secretly and filmed her sleeping, so I'd call that pretty even... And then, well, he kills her, which sorta tips the scale, because, uh, KILLING IS BAD? Not that I'm villainizing (spell check doesn't recognize this word, but idc) Simon, he was, for the most part, a victim of circumstance when it came to having to kill her. But that doesn't make her the villain, ALRIGHT? (I have more ~sexism in fandom~ rants where that came from, but I'll save them in the interest of pretty pictures.) Let's get to the fun part.
You see, up there in the third row. That smile on Simon? That's one of the only times we see that smile in season one. That scene where he talks about pissing through the letterbox to save the cat is one of my favorite, not just because of the smile, but because you can tell that Sally is realizing, "oh shit, this kid is actually sort of wonderful, wtf?" And it's lovely. So yeah, they're no Simon/Alisha, but there are a few moments of 1x05 that are just so nice to watch... but then he puts her in the freezer with Cornettos... which is less nice.
008. kelly/simon (or violent chav/panty sniffer.)
kelly [to curtis]: you hit him again, i will kick your balls back into your stomach, mate.
Ahhhh, Kelly is so protective of him and I can't help but love that. She keeps him from getting his ass kicked and tells Nathan to leave him alone and that is why Kelly is perfect. She's brusque and violent and occasionally beats grown men to death, but she will take care of you if you need care taking. And Simon, who has neither the confrontational nor the social skills to take care of himself, needs her especially. Out of all of them, she is the only one who is consistently nice to him (Nathan's a dick and Curtis and Alisha don't really care much at first) Also, they're part of the ultimate ot3 of ot3 perfection.
007. alisha/curtis (or party girl/normal guy.)
curtis: my mum told me to stay away from girls like you.
alisha: your mum has never met a girl like me.
Gosh, I sort of really liked them, but it's weird to think back and realize that, because I wasn't emotionally invested in the pairing at all. And I think that's because they weren't really that emotionally invested in each other. And I think that's why I liked them. Let me clarify, because that sounds weird: It's so rare to find a pairing between main characters in television that doesn't make a big deal out of itself. Like, they met and they liked each other and they were attracted to each other, so they hooked up (and yeah, there were issues, like, um, RAPE? but they were more Alisha's issues and Curtis trying to work through them so they could have sexy masturbation time together). And they hung out and got on for a while there, just sort of quietly and in the background, and it was really very nice.
BUT THEN. Shit got real, and there were issues and problems and they just weren't emotionally invested enough in each other to work past them, so they broke up. And that's just sort of how relationship actually work, often times. And they stayed friends and still hung out and got on and there was hardly any weirdness between them. And, if it was another show or pairing, I'd say that that was sloppy writing, but really, I think that it makes sense and makes me respect them both so much more as characters.
Uh, wow. Serious talk over. Let's get to the important part: THEY ARE SOME HOT BBS AND THEY ARE REALLY HOT TOGETHER. the end.
006. nathan/probation worker shaun (or crazy prick/um...shaun.)
shaun: *shoves nathan to the ground*
shaun: lol.
AHAHA. YES. YOU CANNOT DENY THE PERFECTION. ehhh, so the quote is, uh, not exactly a quote in the traditional sense. Or any sense. BUT THEIR BOND GOES BEYOND WORDS. Or, well, there are no quotes that demonstrate the absolute shipability of these two, or the way that Shaun tends to look at Nathan like he's his beautiful Italian girlfriend or some shit. Probation Worker Shaun better bring his sexy self back next season.
005. curtis/nikki (or normal guy/fierce bitch.)
nikki: you've just told me i've inherited the power to teleport from the guy whose heart was transplanted into me, and now you're just gonna walk off and leave it at that? well, fuck you very much.
curtis: how do you wanna leave it?
nikki: very least you could do is ask me out for a drink.
I'm not supposed to like them as much as I do, am I? Because she's a side character and it's a side pairing and there's no major drama or angst or Nathan/Simon-esque true love or anything? WELL, FUCK YOU VERY MUCH, SHOW. I have such a crush on Nikki, it's ridiculous, and they are just sort of lulzy and fun and hot. Like, I watch the orgasm-rewind scene and I get all happy and giggly, because it's so awesome and such a thing that a real person would think. Curtis/Nikki is like the fluff pairing of Misfits, if Misfits had a fluff pairing. But, because Misfits is Misfits and too cool for school, they aren't fluffy, just fun and likable and DID I MENTION THE HOTNESS? Idk, I feel alone in my love for them, even though, how can you not ship it? (Once again, there is ~sexism in fandom~ rant to be given in regards to Nikki and the Nikki hate, but I will spare you guys.) Anyway, then death and ;____; and I don't think she'll be back, but holy hell how I will miss her and them.
004. nathan/alisha (or crazy prick/party girl.)
nathan: these are my friends.
alisha: uh, i'm not your friend.
WHY DO THESE LOVLIES NOT HAVE MORE SCREEN TIME TOGETHER? In season one, their scenes mostly come from their shared... uh meanness? Or, at least, their lack of regard for other people's feelings. And then in season two it's their shared love for Simon which brings them together, which I can't object to, but guhhh, they are so much fun and have the potential to be a bitchy team of awesomness if only the show would let them. IDK IDK THEY'RE BOTH SO ATTRACTIVE AND KICK ASS AND I WANT MORE SCENES PLZ.
003. simon/alisha (or panty sniffer/party girl.)
simon: why are you being so nice to me?
alisha: i can be nice. sometimes. look, if i've ever been a bitch to you... i'm sorry.
simon: i've never thought you were a bitch. sometimes, i think it's difficult for beautiful girls. people don't see past their looks.
OHOHOHA. DON'T THROW ROCKS AT ME, DON'T SLASH MY TIRES. I know that Simon/Alisha is everyone's number one, and I LOVELOVELOVELOVE them, I just love #1 and #2 better. Forgive me?
I admit, this opinion comes, at least in part, as a reaction to fandom, and the immediate ~SIMON/ALISHA TRUELUV4EVA!!!1!~ type shit that happened, which I understand, because they are wonderful and deserving of it, but ehhhhh, I can't get myself to completely go in for that. I didn't super love Alisha/Future!Simon, but I still quite liked it. He was just too perfect and dreamy and magical, and even though I think the storyline was well-handled (at least from a characterization/emotional standpoint--althought I didn't mind the time travel shit that went down like some people seem to have) I prefer Alisha/Awkward-Creeper!Simon SO, SO, SO MUCH. The scene at the picnic between the two of them is one of the most lovely things I ever seen on television, and it will never not be. And the headphone scene! and then when Simon finds out! That is all so amazing to me. The Alisha/Future!Simon, while it was hot and gorgeous and mostly really charming (knicker sniffing scene, loooool) just didn't have the same flair.
So, they are #3 and I love them so, and even though the ship was done in a backwards, round-about, wtf sort of way, I liked that and wouldn't have it another way. <3<3<3
002. nathan/kelly (or crazy prick/violent chav.)
nathan: i did eenie-meenie-minie-mo and you lost and i still chose you!
OH, MY AWKWARD ROMANCE, NEVER, EVER CHANGE. It was SO hard to pick a quote for them, because there is no single ~epic~ quote that makes the ship or something like that. It's made up of all these subtle, awkward, bumblingly sweet, hilarious things that make them so wonderful as a whole. I ended up using the one I did because I think it best summarizes them. Nathan doesn't want to totally adore her because he's so bad at it, but he does. And Kelly doesn't want to totally adore him because he's a dick and she's too cool for his shit, but she does anyway.
But, guh! They are just such good friends and I think that's what puts them above Simon/Alisha, because they've got that lovely groundwork, but it never felt like exposition, it just felt like some kids messing around with each other and figuring out that they sort of really liked each other and I know they were sort of dropped in favor of other stuff, and that makes me sad, but I'm almost sure they'll come back.
(Also, am I the only one who doesn't mind that Nathan is apparently shit in bed? It just feels so in character for me. He is, after all, shit at everything. It's part of his charm.)
They just have these lovely moments, like the "want me to walk you home?" scene, or the "I MISS CHAV KELLY, WAHHHH!' cheek-kiss scene in 1x06. I would be satisfied if they just hung out and ate chicken nuggets for life. Please, let that be the entirety of season three (with simon and alisha and ghost!nikki dropping in every so often, and maybe even curtis, just so he can call nathan a prick.)
001. nathan/simon (or crazy prick/panty sniffer.)
nathan: maybe i like him more than i let on [...] little bastard gets under your skin, doesn't he?
ON ANY OTHER SHOW, THIS WOULD BE A TOTAL CRACK PAIRING, AND THAT IS WHY MISFITS IS MY FAVORITE. Not only do these two get subtle-not-so-subtle-bromantic -harassment gayness, they get magical-voodoo-truelove-actualfax gayness, which is shit you can't even get on Merlin, even though everything else magical happens. There are not just hints of Nathan/Simon, there is ACTUAL, CANON Nathan/Simon. And I'm only half talking about 2x03. What about the almost!rape with rubbish-pickers or the gas-mask kiss or the hug of all hugs (just LOOK at Simon's face, fourth row, first cap. if that's not love, then what is?) or the living together with no pants on and Nathan talking to Marnie about Simon after (or during?) sex?
Through-out season one, even though Nathan is a total prick to him, it's obvious that Simon really likes him a lot of the time (mostly because Simon is a sad, kicked puppy and will take any attention that's given to him, even if it's not very good). And then in season two, it slowly builds into this friendship/bromance/total giggly adoration that is strangely beautiful, despite all the ridiculousness of it.
The last scene of 2x06, where Nathan smacks Simon's ass (lololol) and then Simon gives him this "tehe, love you, too, bb" look just shows how far they've come, and maybe it's not such a big deal, because they're friends and that's not hard or anything, except, considering where they started? It's amazing.
Andddd, done. JFC, why do I write so much? ughhhh, feel free just to look at the pretty pictures. I love you all.