I know not many people follow me on this account, bu I have been saying for MONTHS that I want to start recomending my favorite reads but since I am a lazy lurker at heart it just never came to fruition, until I read the first sterek story that made my heart do all kinds of funny things and I squeed everywhere and had to share it. So I thought hey, if I am going to rec this one then I might as well just compile as many as I can
So here you go (all will be linked to AO3):
So my number one Rec for this post would be:
Hide Of A Life War Etharei (Derek/Stiles, NC-17 ish)
Word Count: 26,050
Summary “We have received confirmation that there is a hostage situation in progress at a warehouse compound two hours out of Los Angeles, following a multiple-vehicle pileup on Highway 101 this morning...”
The one in which Stiles has lived to (legal) adulthood and, along the way, become a bit of a badass himself.
Now if you haven't already read this, then what's wrong with you! I've seen thi recommended verywhere, and obviously had to throw in my two cents. Just. THIS FIC RIGHT HERE. Wow okay, this Is one of my all time favorites. I have read it twice already since discovering it a few days ago. It is absolutely amazing and awesome and everything that I love because STILES. Stiles is such a BADASS and so perfect and awesome and you can see him growing up and did I mention BADASSARY ALL OVER THIS. Okay so the Stilinski men go on a little bonding trip where suddenly their bus crashs and they are taken hostage. I don’t want to spoil too much else here, but it’s amazing. Lot’s of Stilinski love and I adore Stiles and his dad. Flashback scenes intermingle with the current hostage situation as you get snippets of Stiles life lately, and most importantly, snippets of him and Derek. Their bond… unfff. SEXY SCENE in a movie theatre, hnnnggg it was amazing. I was biting my fist and then LYDIA steals the scene at the end by being just so cheeky and awesome. All other supporting characters, OC’s included, are amazing. I just loved every freaking bit of this story and you need to read it because it is literally amazing.
Crash Landers y
Gyzy (Derek/Stiles, R
Word Count: 1173
Summary:In which Stiles learns to Stalk That Stalk. (Or, how to accidentally woo your unfriendly neighborhood alpha in roughly five hundred handwritten steps.)
WOW okay just holy wow here. This fic did so many things to my heart, it has a perfect slow build which I am such a sucker for. The characterizations are LOVELY I couldn't have loved Stiles voice any more in this, just a perfect mix of "what the heck is going on but this is so, so right". There's Pack bonding, life after high school, and Derek being a moody little thang who secretely (not so secretly) ADORES his pack and gah I didn't even get to the best part - NOTES! Stiles starts off this leaving Derek little notes everywhere for no reason other than he can. First in his car, then his jacket, his house etc. and there you go guys I haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg with how perfect this while thing is READ IT your heart will love you for it
The serie
Famous Last Words y JenNova (Derek/Stiles, insanely NC-17)
Word Count: 9,859 over six parts
Status: IP
Authors Description:All you need to know about this series is that the doc is titled "The Sex Buddy Fic". A series of 'made-them-do-its'.
Summary of first Part: “So,” Stiles says, resting his elbows on his knees and settling his chin in his hands. “Hypothetical then: one of you guys gets dosed with some sex wolfsbane - how do we deal with it?”
Stuck that first summary in their because, uhm, perfect. SO OKAY basically the best 'made them do it' series ever, and it's not even technically over. She has one more chapter and an epilogue planned, so go catch up so you can squeee hard right when she posts them! So basically: A bunch of scenarios where they magically had to fuck to save some lives here, and once you can get past the improbability of that happening not once but multiple times then you will fall in love. In each scene, there is as much consent that can possibly be given so even though it is dubcon, they both want it so much. So, so much GAWD. This type of characterization for Stiles is basically all I ever wanted and more. The series spans a ten year (or so) period, starting Stiles junior year of high school, through college, and into the adult world. Stiles is a badass to say the least, you see him grow into a capable and smart man. Lot's of Pack dynamics which I love, I am such a sucker for Stiles being an integral part of the park. In this story he is just as needed as any of the others, and the easy bond he forges with Derek is perfect and heart shattering and guh- there aren't words. Whoa wait - did I mention the sex yet? Oh right because this is also PURE SEX. Like fist-in-mouth, I should not be reading this and getting this wet while sitting so close to my roommate, kind of sex scenes. Also, Derek in therapy. I have to warn for this since some people hate the idea of Derek doing that, but it not only works it is also PERFECT and the OCs that this writer envisions are so achingly awesome. So please don't let that deter you, there is so much growth and emotion in this while also having so. much. hot sex. Did I mention the TONS of sex? Some of you will read this just for the sex, and that is okay. Because it is awesome. That is all, go read this!