Why I am the easiest and hardest person to break up with:

Nov 09, 2006 10:35

Why does it always take me being single to see how not alone I am? I have such amazing people in my life! Neither my nerves nor my stomach is used to this single life yet but then again it could just be sex withdrawals.

Being passed up for another isn’t anywhere I haven’t been before, and I am sure there are those in my past that could say the same.

It’s often disappointing to think that all I have worked for in the last three years is gone, and I often catch myself thinking that when I’m terribly seeking to be sad in order to attached importance to my past (in turn myself, in turn my life) or for other various decadent reasoning’s.

The truth is though, nothing is gone.

As far as intrinsic rewards go: I still have great memories of a grand love, POSSIBILITY (sky’s the limit), I get to experience new love, first kisses, first touches all over again and as many times as I want! It is all very exciting. For a romantic such as me, falling in love at least once a day is more than doable with this given opportunity. I have amazing lessons concerning of maturity levels, selfishness, hard work, people, life, ect.. Even the sting of heartbreak can’t ultimately take all of this away.

It’s funny how it often takes the end of a relationship to landmark a period of time and trigger a feedback session from ones self. Some people hate this as to it leads to their insecurities… I of course know have areas of opportunity but hey, so does every one else. In other areas, I just kick so much ass in and know it! It’s all thanks to such experiences that I can only do it bigger and better next time. (By all means, I mean no literal implication on “bigger” lol )


I'm happy that you finally feel like doing crazy things like living and being creative again. I was never happy you had lost that. In fact the last time you made a piece was like two years ago and it was for me. It must be said for the record though, if it was ever your notion that all of your muse should come from your significant other, then that’s where you went wrong. That stuff shouldn’t depend on who you’re with but you are. I know this to be true more now than ever. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to a new life. Everything is full of possibilities again and for a brave lil’ chum like me that means the world!

P.s. Trust me, there were never any secrets. I am kind of glad jean snagged ya, now I don’t have as much competition with the ladies. Just remember you promised to point ‘em in my way. ;)

That is all I have got for today kids!
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