After finding out that
b_scholes ships Sebastian/Lima Bean, I went a bit crazy coming up with other ships in this theme. If there is fic of this I DON'T WANT TO KNOW XD These are pure pairings un-sullied by primeval urges ;D.
Blaine/Socks: Because, one day, he'll realise what his feet he's been missing
Kurt/Waistcoats: Because they hold him close
Finn/Drums: Because he always seems happiest when they're together
Rachel/Stage: Because this love will last a lifetime
Puck/Guitar: Because they make beautiful music together
Mercedes/Tater Tots: Because she's willing to fight to keep them together
Sue/Tracksuits: Because they're always together
Tina/Goth clothes: Because she can be herself with them
Dave/Berets: Because he's a better person when they're together
Got any suggestions? Leave them in the comments with your reasons!