Sep 12, 2001 19:35
noThinG muCh tO say aBout today. i went to skOol. camE homE. thats like all The main points. um... wenT to The FBLA meeting. um.....i said bye to ian after skool he looked at me weird and said bye. not my ian. i said bye to patrick tOo. He looks better with his hair like that. Patrick is nice but he has Mean friends likE eh-hem... ian B. wellz yeah... patrick doesn't hang around them anymore, well thats what i hope cuz he's too good for ian and his Group. wellz um... i forget what to say. oh yeah... after skOol there was likE a car craSh on baseline and lilic i think. how sad. i saW a loT oF smokE and thats all. today i camE homE anD slepted. i guEss i waS tried fOm stayinG up late doiNg noTHing important. juST thinking anD stuFf. wellz i should goes. laters peoples.