Jul 23, 2003 22:17
GEsignature: i wanna have sex with you
GEsignature: so im gonna ask u to marry me
JungMi is KEWL: haha
JungMi is KEWL: =-O my first proposal
GEsignature: how bout this arite
GEsignature: if we're not married by the age of 30
GEsignature: we marry eachother
JungMi is KEWL: we dont even know each other that well
GEsignature: haha...thats the beauty of it
GEsignature: we have hella years to know eachother
JungMi is KEWL: you turn 30 before me though
GEsignature: only a year before
JungMi is KEWL: yeah but then you'll wait til you're 31 then for when i turn 30
GEsignature: i know
GEsignature: just as long as we both know that we'll be together
JungMi is KEWL: why dont you have chritsine as your backup
GEsignature: hell naw
JungMi is KEWL: why?
JungMi is KEWL: you know her better
GEsignature: i realized that no matter how much shit i've been through, i usually turned to u
GEsignature: and no matter how mean i was
GEsignature: u were still my friend
GEsignature: i love you for that
JungMi is KEWL: aww thanks
JungMi is KEWL: but i dont know... there must be someone better you can have a backup with
GEsignature: no
GEsignature: i want you
JungMi is KEWL: i want to believe you but i dont know
JungMi is KEWL: after what you did to christine. its hard to trust people
GEsignature: i know
GEsignature: im sorry
GEsignature: well think about it
seriously all that wedding talk... yesterday i proposed to RIchie! haha. and today.... weird though. nobody gets mad when i had my *obsessness* on weddings and now with my *obsessness* with prom people make a big deal about it... Prom is like the *Wedding* of high school right michelle? Who doesn't want a perfect prom?