Feb 25, 2005 10:23
now, for the entry
Yesterday was awesome. We didn't have school cause there was like less than an inch of snow outside? Yeah i don't get it either. But anyway, i spent most of my day "cleaning" and when i was "done" i met saAm at the mailbox, we then ventured to charlies to try to reuinte the neighborhood "clique". Of course he was in shorts, we talked awile and then the big hunk of bubble gum aka big lu came out and he was like blah blah blah and then they had to go inside and me and sam took a nature walk back to my house, playing in the slush as we go. And i saw a "snow plow" but it was really just some loud truck and then we went back to my house and were about to make hot coco but my kitchen is being torn apart and remodled so we have no oven/microwave to cook it in. So my mom had this BRIGHT idea to go to my neighbors and be like, can i borrow some hott water?! but i told her it was silly and we hooked up the microwave. We sat and drank it and attempted to play cards, but sam started telling me this story, "One time i was in this fihgt with a girl and i was wearing a dress and there were these tire swings we used to play on, i mean they were big tires.." okay yeah i thought that story was going somewhere, but really i was just a bunch of random things that have nothing to do with anything, melissa called, and my mom was really funny trying to pronouce "my boo" anyway, we then started getting ready to go to her house, and while sam was putting on her RAIN BOOTS, i grabbed a bandanna and told her to come rob a bank with me, pretty funny. K, so we went to melissa's making out footprints all craazy so no one could follow them. We got to melissa and watched Love, actually. Good times guys. The octapus was my favorite. :-) WE HERE! Me and sam had to leave and so we sang and walked backwards all the way homes. Me and sam don't hang out much anymore, but when we do we have the best times, and i couldn't begin to describe it in a online journal. pssh no.
And well i had this cool dream last night. (im gonna post it here, cause i told jenna i would tell her about my cool dream. but shes not on and ill forget.)
i was in some kind of warehouse/WalMart type of place, with jenna, nicole, dylan, jordan, melissa, dusty, and jessica.
and i got undressed in one of the aisle...
i was running around, covering my girlie parts with my hands, trying to find the aisle that my clothes were lying in...
and me and the girls were just running around, goofing off and stuff... and dusty jordan and dylan were sitting in the bike asile eating chile and singing row row row your boat uber loud over the intercom i don't really know why they were there. they just were..
and then i started chasing around some 8 year old that looked like dylan plus this girl i know goes to my school but in girl form, after i got dressed, trying to get him er her to go out with me, or something.
then he took this monster truck and started chasing me he was yelling in like spanish/french/jibberish and then
Oh, and then it was effed up.
at the end of the dream, we went to some oriental place to eat, and since they didn't serve chopped up insect parts anymore, me and melissa ordered fried rice with chopped up cheerleader parts in it aka jessica + a side of nicole.
And we all went home .. to my home which they all lived at and went skinny dipping in my pool of yellow liquids.. =/
there was something about a dinosaur but i don't remember it was a long time ago.
Dylan said he knew what i ment, and i don't. And he uh won't tell me.
so, um show tonight? i duno if im going cause my parents won't take me cause of the roads? er something, and im loosing my voice, i think im getting sick and last time i was sick slakjdlkada it happend. And i might go see man of the house with alice and all those AWESOME people and sleepover? i just, don't know.
i thought i'd repost my feelings for nicole.
Ode to Nicole the Skank
oh oh oh oh it’s Nicole the Skank
i’d rhyme but i can’t find a word that rhymes with skank
she’s an effing ninja and she knows it
and she thinks she’s more gangsterr than me and we all know
that’s a LIE
i loves her like peanut butter loves jelly