i mean, of course he was there, but he didn't say anything that made me look over at my tv. i'm sure it was a good episode, but i guess i'm not really into that show anymore or something. maybe next week will be different. (i was kind of falling asleep at my keyboard when it was on last night, lol).
well..my days have been cut but now i always work 8 hours at least so...not really. like,..i just got paid for the last two weeks and i got 378. my last one was 4 something..i bragged about it in a previous post because i was amazed lol. im going to start applying elsewhere soon.
Kill me.
OR HEROES! OR HOUSE! WTF. at least house is taped, hopefully. -_-
i haven't watched heroes yet, but i have it recorded. maybe we can watch it together :)
i had house on last night while i was internetting, but it didn't even keep my attention..
have your hours at work been cut at all?
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