(no subject)

Jan 25, 2007 18:09

Glah way too much shit goin on. How to fit all this in? Lame lame lame. (Sorry I just have to rant here for a minute.)
Started this crazy project with Nate and its building up to be a shite load of work. Somehow must find time to build a more comprehensive outline of what we intend to produce for the prof to mark. I don't even know what he means by that...didn't we do that already? Gotta start a log of our work hours with details on what we're working on, research time, time spent advocating our cause, etc, etc. Also must put together a letter campaign to push at the Roots and Shoots booth on wednesday and i think they also expect some sort of presentation on what has now become our campaign. Seriously this is ridiculous. We go to a Roots and Shoots meeting (animal rights activist group @ Mac) hoping they'll have a more developed public awareness campaign for this Killman Zoo thing that we can take part in. I go to the meeting and they say, "Welcome New Members! Its great that you're interested in this! Okay so that'll be your responsibility! We're so glad you joined!(insert giant smile)" I'm sitting there like what.the.fuck... I have no idea what they expect but they're talking about shit they have going on in March and asking me what im going to contribute. There's no fucking way. So ya there's that and then the fact the the Killman zoo's colsed for the season and we have to somehow sneak on to a trail that backs their property and see if we can get some incriminating footage and build a presentation to submit to our local MP. If theres not enough footage for a full video presentation (which most likely there won't be)I have to come up with some wicked-ass poster set-up. Included with this is a write-up including the history on the animal rights movement. We have about three weeks to do this!!! Gah!!!! I don't know how the hell we're going to fit this into both our schedules. We're already having problems finding the time to get together.

I also have 2 tests tomorrow, one of which will be easy ass (if I find the time to read the books!!!!) and the other which apparently is supposed to be hard enough to scare the majority of the people out of the class (apparently this prof does this every year) fucking awesum.
In my Medieval lit class (which I used to like) my prof just gave back our papers on which everyone did shit ass and filled us in on like 20 different things that she had expecting from us without actually telling us beforehand. She didn't understand why we didn't already know the she wanted a bibliography although the style she told us to use requires a works cited and that we weren't supposed to use any sources older than the eighties or that she required our old english quotes to be translated into new english or that she expected 14 pages NOT counting the quotes or end notes. ARGH! She introduced a new project which requires group work without putting us into groups or allowing us time to get into groups. She decribed vaguely what she wants from us without giving us a sheet or website with instructions. She requires 6 souces from EACH group member (5-6 ppl per group)!
Have to find the time to write a paper this weekend too, hooray.

I wonder if its possible to take sick leave from life? Does anyone else feel like they're balancing way too much? I'd be fine if I just had to worry about friends, shawn and work; adding school in makes for way too much stress and bullshit. This better be worth it.

(appologies for the bitchy-ass post, hope everyone else is doin' well - niksi! how is you? Haven't talked to you in soooo long hope all is well and that we can see ya soon. Just bought a laptop from your boy, woot!)
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