(no subject)

Nov 28, 2005 18:22

guesss whatttt?!

well you'll never guess so I'll just tell you..

tuesday night at dance i got there and guess who was there..Kelly! i loove kelly so much and i havent seen her since last year at dance bcuz now she is in college at MSU and she cant come and help us out in dance on tuesdays=( i missed her soo much and it made me happy that she was there on tuesday! =D
OKAY so you'll never guess what happens wendsday night!
ahhh. okay so i was at the flint airport and i just happened to turn around and see JARRETT RICKER behind me! yeahh thats right i got to see jarrett ricker on wendsday=) i only got to talk to him for like a minute though cuz he was on the phone and he had to get his bags and stuff but yeah it was AMAZING! =) lol

welll yeah i guess thats all im gonna update about cuz im tiiiired.

commment if all you want for christmas is me <3. =) lol
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