(no subject)

Jan 07, 2005 13:30

Favorite sight: sunsets, beaches, palm trees
Favorite smell: cucombers, peaches, Daniel
Favorite thing to touch: Daniel
Favorite Taste: peach... and grape soda, yum
Favorite sound: frogs... like, lots of them... like when you go to richmond beach when its getting dark, and you can hear all the frogs in that creek, when your walking over the bridge over the tracks... I love that

Speaking of favorites...
favorite coffee/tea house/restaurant: Romios... cuz I love italian food... and cuz I go there with my grandma all the time, and I love spending time with her.
favorite fast food: probly McDonalds... but I really like Dicks
favorite guilty pleasure: buying purses... even tho I dont really need them all, I love buying them... I have like, 6 right now.
favorite article of clothing: my underwear... I dunno, I just really like underwear... my underwear
favorite memory: um... its probly not my favorite... but its what came to mind first. My dad was too lazy to get up in the morning to take care of my sister, and my mom was exhasted from working all night to even wake up when she would cry... and so I would wake up in the morning and play with her, and change her close and stuff, and one morning around or after halloween, I got up, and got some sqeez-its, and some halloween salt water taffy, and crawled into Cyndis crib, and gave her a sqeez-it, and fed her taffy. I was 3 years old mind you, so looking back now, I am glad she didnt choke on the taffy... but I really like that memory, and wish I could go back to that, cuz it was fun, i loved taking care of my sister... lol.
favorite make-out song/s: I dunno... I just dont really know
favorite not make out song/s: my favorite song is Jimmy Eat World-sweetness

What if...
If there were no consequences for one day and you could keep everything you aquired and only you remember everything you would: go shopping with no money... lol. and maybe some other things.

If you could have any ONE super power it would be: the ability to just like, blink, and be anywhere I what to be, like blink myself to hawaii or something, and anyone who was touching me when I blinked would come with me. that would be so cool. me and Jill would go to beaches all the time... lol

If you could have any style besides your own it would be: I dunno, probly mine, but, cooler clothes

If you could design "your heaven" what would it be: I have no clue

...And if you could design "your hell": same as ^

Number of...
Times you laughed today: 1...
Good things that happened to you today: um... nothing really yet
Times you can say-"New Yorks unique, Unique New York, You know you need unique New York" fast without messing up: 0... I cant even read it right in my head
Times you can spin around before you fall over: I have no clue, I try not to spin around cuz I get dizzy really easy
Stars you can count in 10 seconds: there are no stars for me to count, so I dont know

If you had to dye your hair a funky color what color would you dye it: pink... all of it pink
eat a bug or eat a stick of butter which would you choose: butter
drawing or painting: depends on my mood... but usualy painting
bracelets or anklets: anklets

Dance: school dance at einstine...
Place you swam: I dont know... a bath tub
Time you realized girls/boys weren't so gross: grade school
Kiss: first real kiss was 7th grade

food combination you like: dipping french fries into jam... accoring to my grandma its wierd and gross
shows you like: sex and the city, six feet under, mad tv, pimp my ride, lots of cartoons, and I love one tree hill, but never watch it anymore.
rituals/inside jokes you have with your friends: hehehe, I have lots... so many that I couldnt write them all out...
dream you had once: I used to have this reoccuring dream, that I was camping with my dad, and this valcano was erupting, and everything was a shade of red, and we are all panicing, and I asked my aunt lori (my dads sister) where my dad was and she didnt know, and then I would wake up. I stopped having it around the time I realized that my dad is lame and wasnt going to visit me and my sister more often.

things you do/ quirks you have:
picking the skin off of the tips of my fingers and around my finger nails, and chewing the inside of my bottom lip, wiggling my foot around when I am sitting down, touching/fixing my hair a lot, and always having to look at myself when I pass a mirorr.

10 things you HAVE to do before you die:
1)get married
2)have kids
3)get a tattoo
4)go to Amsterdam
5)go swimming in the ocean
6)grow out my hair really long again, and then cut it sort, again... not too short tho... like freshman year... :/
7)win something
8)get a pug
9)get a manx
10) try new foods

worst(in your opinion)...
style mistake you ever made: there have been lots
style mistake anyone else ever made: I dont know... I dont really care
Akward year: 1st grade, up untill sophomore year
show ever: reality shows
teacher: Mrs Anderson
Holiday ever: thanksgiving 2003
Food: onions
carnival/fair ride: ones that get stuck in the air, and they shout up to you that it broke, so that you freak out even more, cuz not only are you way high up in the air, your stuck uo there for god knows how long.
Pet Peeve: people who pretend to be your friend to your face and walk all over you, suck ups, when my sister shrugs her shoulders when I tell her something.

Best (in your opinion)...
sweet thing; I love cheese cake...  and lots of other things
greasy/fatty/salty thing; deep fried foods... yum
board/card game: I like monopoly.... because I win... and I like dominos now... lol
pizza topping: cheese
toy on a playground: swings
teacher: Lori Chase! lol
place to go after midnight: shower... lol                                                                                                                                           thing about childhood: playing with my sister, and being so easily entertained
thing about adulthood: having the freedom to do things on my own
thing about your best friend: shes my bestfriend, shes Jill
best thing about you: I can be funny?

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