Jul 28, 2008 00:39
This was a good weekend. Friday was a little rocky with working the show and everything...my mood just wasn't the best, which made other things sour.
Anyway, Saturday I went to party. It's a girl that is in school with Mike (Dustin's housemate). She had been over to the past two parties that I went to at Dustin's...so I guess we are aquaintences. It was her birthday and we all kinda debated if we wanted to go. I said we should...and they agreed. hehe I'm glad we went, it was fun. Drank a fair amount (of course)...and just talked to people. We played a couple card/drinking games. I think I only played once...and that was enough. After a few beers...and a shot of vodka....and some tequila....then more beer...then more tequila...then more beer..........I was good. lol
There was also an eye-opener that night. I really am WAY too self-concious....and I really do need to let it go. I mean, there are things about me that I can change, but some things...I really can't. I found out that night that more than a couple people actually like me for me and like the way I look...and I honestly think they were sincere. It was a good ego boost. hehe
I crashed at Dusty's saturday night and hung out there all day today. Normally I would feel bad doing that...like I'm imposing...or in the way or something. It just kinda worked today. I needed it, too. Dustin, Mike, and I played WoW and talked....and omg, I was laughing at everything. It felt great to do that, though. To just lighten up and laugh. I was also tired and slap happy...but it worked. hehe Dustin decided last minute to grill out and whip up some other food....and it was damn good. I was impressed.
All in all, it was a good weekend. It definitely was a nice break from the grumpy mood I've been in lately.
Getting my hair done tomorrow...and I'm doing something different (hopefully, if it can be done). So, we'll see how that goes.
Work is about to get even crazier =/ Just when it was supposed to calm down, one of the women at the gallery is leaving. I don't know what's going to happen. This is her last week. She does so much around the gallery, there is just no way I can fill her shoes as well as do everything that I do. Plus...I doubt she's gonna have time to really train me and tell me everything she does. *sigh* Bright side is I guess that will mean more hours for me...which means more money...and that's always a good thing.