5 Belated Questions

Jun 17, 2008 16:29

If you want questions comment, if you've got questions, comment. :-)

Since Lem asked for "real" questions, I've been asking more personal stuff. If you want to refrain from answering any of these, feel free.

1. Given your size, sound of your voice, and some of your mannerisms, you can easily be taken as being naive and fragile. How does this affect you in social situations with people you don't really know?
People I don't really know do tend to think I'm fragile and naive. It means sometimes I'm not taken particularly seriously, but also that I'm easily approachable and not intimidating, which is handy at work when lots of people need help. When people do get to know my background a bit more, they tend to be impressed that I'm not bitter and jaded. In general I'm more amused than annoyed when people think I'm naive. If I were more open with them about my history and life, then they wouldn't have that impression, so it's my own fault.

2. What do you hope to do with your education once you've finished school?
I'd either like research or museum work, sticking with the archaeology 3D theme for both.

3. Do you have your driver's license or not? If not, why? I just realized that I don't know if you lack the license or the car or both.
I lack both. I've never really needed a car and I don't like driving. I've learned to drive a few times and I suppose I should get my license sometime soon just so I have it. I don't really like riding in cars either. Or really, on any wheeled or motored thing. I'm a little weird like that.

4. What difficulties did/do you face as an Indian growing up in Minnesota?
Heh, I don't really see myself as Indian. Yeah, I realize that may be offensive to some people, but culturally I'm not, I'm midwestern hickvil-li-an metropolitan. Just because I don't, doesn't mean that other people don't, and I suppose that's where the difficulties come in. Let's see if I can come up with some examples. Racism I've experienced is always rather... covert and subtle. The town I grew up in people's parents were fine with their kids being friends with me, but in general, they were really not okay with dating... cause... my god... what would their kids look like?! There's lots of late 20s computer engineer Indian guys on the internets that are looking for a little Indian wife to cook and clean and bare them childrens... and just going off my picture, they assume I'm someone I'm not. I don't mind that so much, but when they don't believe me when I tell them I'm not who they're looking for, its annoying. When I walk down the street arm in arm or holding hands with someone (of a different race) I sometimes get weird/dirty looks. Less and less so lately though. :-)

5. What relaxes you?
Being around friends in a comfy setting. Warm baths. Long walks. Cuddles. Backrubses. Orgasms.

Psycological, Part 1: Do you have a favorite color/color scheme? Did you have one as a child? If you've never had any preference... um, I don't know. How is that even possible? Colors are fascinating!
I've always liked red and black. Pink used to be okay until my Mom decided everything needed to be pink. Lavender is pretty good. Grey is nice too. But yeah, favorite color is probably red.

Psycological, Part 2: If you had to live as a (non-human) animal for two years, what would you choose and why? Assume things like lifespan wouldn't present logistic issues with being something like a fruitfly or mosquito.
Assuming diet and possibility of dying is not an issue, perhaps some sea creature or an air creature. It'd be fun to live in a completely different setting. Let's go with whale, cause then I could explore the ocean. Ooo, do I get to remember my experiences when I become human again?

Megalomania: If you had a say in K-12 education standards on a national level, what would you want to add to the curriculum? What would you want to remove?
Hrm... hard question. I'd add some sort of on going money management skills. I'd get rid of gym class as we know it and replace it with lots of different choices for types of body movement training. Mostly though, I think I'd try and find a way to change the general atmosphere of sports being much more important than academics.

Transcendent: What change to society, large or small, would you like to see come about as a result of the way in which you live your life? What are you doing to make this happen?
I can't really see myself doing anything super big. But I like... doing small things all the time, things that help people out, make life easier and more pleasant. Lots of little things that add up to making the world a slightly better place. I'm working on it by giving hugs when they're needed, and sometimes when they're not. Reaching out to strangers that look like they need a friend. Being useful and helpful to both society and my friends. Hopefully at some point, raising decent kids. With work/school, I'd like to contribute to my field in some significant way and I'll be spending the next year figuring out exactly how to go about doing that.

Childhood: How has growing up in a rural community set you apart from your present-day friends?
I can understand the conservative rural mindset. I know lots about animals, woods, farms that most people that grew up in the city don't know. (I get a kick out of watching the people watch the animals at the state fair.) I don't think growing up in the country has ever caused problems with my current friends though.

Profession: What's the best part of your job? -- and, at what point in your educational career did you decide this was what you wanted to do when you grew up?
I really enjoy the fact that I can talk with just about anyone about my job and they're fascinated with it. People always have something fun to tell me about some new discovery that I didn't already know. It engages me with other people who are not necessarily specialists.
Most kids go through the archaeologist phase when they're... 9 or 10? I never grew out of it. When I got to college I took classes that sounded interesting for awhile and it turned out that most of them fit into this major.

Fun: What game are you best at, and why?
I realized I'm really good at dice games because my hands are just the right size and I cheated for years without realizing it. I'm careful not to cheat now that I know. I'm also pretty good at card games. Not sure why. I played bridge every week in college for at least a year and never lost a game. :-)

Four things: Describe the last four times you saw live music, and talk about why you went and what you thought of it.
Most recent going backwards:
REM - Excel Center - full of awesome, sooo full of awesome. I went because my friend Patrick suggested it. There's something magical about thousands of people all rejoicing in life at the same moment in the same place. The members of REM are extraordinary stage performers as well. I enjoyed watching the lighting specialist, which set the dynamic and mood of the crowd.
Eager Anxiety - My good friend Patrick and Dave made this band a few years back. They play most of their own songs and a few covers. I often go listen to them play at coffee shops. I suppose I'm like their non-sexual roadie groupie. The show that night was particularly on. They had all their equipment (they often do just acoustic) and the harmonies were beautiful. Over the years I've really enjoyed watching them grow as musicians.
Lonesome Dan - Relaxed and bluesy. The setting of this event reminded me of my hometown in a really visceral way. It was the same bar, with the same people as all small town bars, only it was in the city. Blues lyrics tend to get a bit repetitive for me, but I enjoyed the music and the company.
Jonathan Coulton - The most geeks I've ever seen in one place. The camaraderie was palatable. The pirate jokes abundant and the lyrics witty and amusing. It was the first time I'd really enjoyed life in awhile.

Personal: Love-life is a bigger thing for you than it is for many of my other friends; you're also less active on LiveJournal than many of us are, or have been. What kind of impact do you feel that physical and romantic intimacy has on your inclination/ability to blog about your life and your feelings?
I'm not sure my love life or lack thereof has much to do with writing or not on lj. I think part why I write less now is that the audience has changed. Before there was a specific group of people that used lj and now people from many different aspects of my life use it. I realize I could filter things, but that doesn't feel quite right either. When I had a more active/interesting dating life, I wrote about it more. Now there doesn't seem much to say. Or perhaps it's that my thoughts and my life are no longer an open book.

So I guess this is your chance guys, ask what you will and perhaps I'll answer.

In other news, I ended up getting gold plated rings cause they were on sale. Turns out I don't know very many people that wear gold colored jewelry. Let me know if you do. Perhaps you'll get something fun later this summer. I'm looking forward to going camping this weekend. Weeeee camping!
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