Adventures in not dying

Feb 09, 2008 00:31

So, I had this nasty cold/bronchitis thing for about a month. A little over a week ago it got lots worse. Last Thursday I was coughing so much that I couldn't breath and my limbs and lips were tingling. Luckily Miss EV took me to the emergency room. You know a cough is bad when 4 or 5 people that work in the ER comment on it. I got to breath again and pretend to be a little Vader (nebulizer makes me sound funny). They decided it was bacterial something... bronchitis or atypical pneumonia and gave me antibiotics.

ER take two was the next night with Doug and my Mom. I reacted really badly to the "kill all bugglets" drugs and got dehydrated. Turns out you need bugglets to process foods, and so I just stopped processing food along with the other drugs I was supposed to be taking. It was full of special. They gave me IV fluids and what I can only assume was some strong opiate. I also drank radioactive 7-up to make sure that my appendix was not going to splode. (As a side note, radioactive burps are unpleasant.)

I think I spent the next 4 or 5 days not moving much. EV stayed here to take care of me and I am forever grateful to her. EV is my hero(ine)! Willson and Raina were also helpful. I was so crazy sick. Food didn't stay inside. I couldn't really sit up or stand on my own, holding my head up was a challenge. I had insanely debilitating stomach cramps and was sweating but shivering. I guess I had the opposite of a fever. They said at the ER that my temperature was lower than it should be. EV called me captain of the couch ship.

Since around Wednesday I've started to feel a bit more human each day. After the antibiotics were done I started to be able to eat food again. Yesterday I was finally strong enough to stand long enough to take a shower (before that I sat in the bathtub). Right now I'm sitting up with no problems and my stomach is sore but not cramping. I even put on real clothes today! The annoying thing is that all my muscles and joints are super cranky with me for not moving for so long.

I'm hoping to be semi functional again by Monday. I've missed much too much work and school. So far behind in everything. :(

I'm a bit worried because I'm still coughing some. I hope this is just the tail end of getting better instead of the antibiotics not working. Cause if they didn't work all the way, I'm in a world of danger...

Oh yeah, I ended up naming the kitten Dorian. Either because he's gray or because mixolydian was too hard to pronounce.

My friends are so full of awesomeness. I win. :-)

Edit: I forgot to mention earlier that once I was semi coherent I started watching lots of Dr. Who, which then lead to me having a dream where I was at a bar with my Dad, my Uncle and Dalek.
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