According to my calculations; You are "Type
O"! Eating wise; The original blood type
diet of the Earth are the "hunter-
gatherers". The Os are like sharks. They
can eat tin cans and rubber tires, and wash it
down with hard liquor while smoking a
cigarette. Of course, this is not true, but a
dramatic exaggeration. Nevertheless, Type Os
have the highest threshold for abuse of any
other blood group, and in the final analysis,
it is another reason they live longer. face="Georgia" size="+1">
Now don't be afriad I'm going to give you the
choice I never had. href=>CLICK HERE
to become immortal.
I bet that I can guess youre blood type. See if I can? (Actual Research Based) brought to you by
Quizilla Electron -- You are full of energy and frentic
movement. Although you have a philosophicaly
"negative" outlook, people would
hardly be able to tell it by looking at you.
You get along well with protons and those who
are positive.
What kind of subatomic particle are you? brought to you by