Hello my name is Missy LALA and I am Heather Mills' cat. She has had me for several years now and has been a very good owner and even become my very best friend. She is very loving and loves to give me the snuggles that I need. She may not always b around to take care of me because she is busy balancing school, work, and her friends but i understand. When she is with me she does a very good job of taking care of me. She shows responsibility with feeding me and caring for me but also by doing all of her assignments for school. When she is home she is very fun to be around. She likes to play with her friends and me. She is always giggling. If she is not playing with me or her Friends she is outside jogging or playing Zelda on her Wii. She is really good at the Wii. Heather is an exceptionally fun person to be around and I love her very much. *purrrr*
I chose this picture as a metaphor of myself. There is nothing that gets my heart soaring like a warm windy day at the beach. I would consider myself a free spirit that likes to float around in the sun but on a long string attached to those that i love and love me. I have a colorful personality and have many frills about me.