Nov 15, 2005 14:56
So... I talked to my Family Violence professor today and I told her that I skipped counseling yesterday because I didnt like it and it made me uncomfortable. Being the great no bullshit teacher she is, she decided not to spare me and to pop the warm little bubble I was living in. Her words were, "So you're going to the doctor to avoid sickness except you dont want to get hurt so you wont let him give you the vaccination and you wont let him fix your broken leg because it makes you uncomfortable. You're really good at protecting yourself Heather." Fuck, and I was actually pretty happy today to. Oh well, I'll get over it. Its just that now I'm going to have to decide whether or not I'm going to give up or keep going. Perhaps (and this is what I like to think) he's just not the right counselor. Perhaps I would be okay sharing these personal things with someone else, but something makes me seriously doubt that.