(no subject)

Feb 13, 2007 22:01

I spent 5 hours on the road today. I left for work at 6am, not because of the snow, but because I wanted to be in early to help because no matter how early I get there or how late I leave, I'm never the first or the last in my department. In fact, I'm always the last and the first. No matter what I do. So we have a deadline and I was trying to get in early to make it. I was 45 minutes late. 3 1/2 hours on the roads in the worst traffic imaginable on nearly undriveable roads. A little after 8, already within the city limits, I called my boss to say that the traffic reports were still estimating over an hour from where I was and that I'd most likely miss the mandatory 9am Tuesday morning meeting, despite my best efforts. He said if it was proving too much that it was fine with him if I turned around. I told him I was too close to do that, and it was just as backed up going the other way. So I finally made it. Then I worked straight without a break until 7 when I turned around and battled unplowed roads, fierce wind and blowing snow. That took a little over 2 hours thanks to the fact that at least most of the traffic had cleared.

I'm just frustrated by the fact that the earlier I leave, the later I get to work. The time I leave is completely independent of the conditions outside. It's based on what time I think I want to get to work. And I just get there later and later. If I try and leave earlier, it's even later. I don't know what to do! I take the train and get there on time, but then I have only a few trains to pick from in the evening, all about 1 to 1 1/2 hours apart, so I have to leave long before they look ready to go and with plenty of things left to do.

They're being very understanding, and none of this is really my fault. Plus, it's only temporary. But I still don't like the first impression I'm being forced to make. It's so frustrating to appear this undependable when I'm home only about 7 hours a day. I'm constantly tired. I eat at weird hours. I can't even find 5 minutes to relax. In fact, this entry is keeping me from getting a full 7 hours of sleep tonight.

Sooooo tiiiiiirrreeed!!!


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