Aug 20, 2006 01:08
WARNING: if your name doesnt start with an L and end with a Y... and has ARR in the middle you probably wont be interested so dont bother reading, dont want to bore you =)
okay well, this one is for you baby. i want you to know how much i love you. and i miss you so much even though i'm barely ever away from you now. i love how we are....
i love how you tell me things i never thought you would
i love how we can have all of our friends be together.
i love how you know so little about what your doing when it comes to me..haha (just jking)...but you have a lot to learn.
i love how your so easy and fun to talk to
i love how im going crazy right now, cuz your taking a shower and i cnt wait till you get back
i love how we have our hour long talks back every night.
i LOVE how you've introduced me to some of the most amazing ppl i've met.
i love how you never run out of things to say your mom is like my best friends and we have girl days without you. your family has adopted me and takes care of me. they call to wish me happy birthday and graduation before you even have the chance too. you can always make me laugh/smile
...the way you look at me
...the way you love my friends.
...the way you talk about our future
...the way you take care of me.
...the way you try to act tough and hard with me when we're fighting, but you always crack
...i love how you can talk to me about your past and present, and always want me to screen your calls haha... (dummies)
....this list could go on forever, but your calling and i miss you...
all in all, ...i LOVE how you LOVE me<3
i love you larry.