the L word sixteen? wtf. i'm going to assume you mean the one where bette brokedown like that. i sobbed for a good ten minutes. i feel so bad for bette. and did you see that tina's lawyer comes onto her or whatever? this is next weeks episode but sad, nonetheless.
hey does this little friends thing include me in anyway at all? I was kinda confused my the whole thing. Oh, is there a way to automatically make all my posts for friends only? Or do I have to do it all manually when I write the entry?
it's whoever's on my friend's list. when you update there's a little thing that says 'public' and it'll give you choices and you choose 'friends' all my entries are friends only already but since i don't have a post where people can asked to be added, i needed one.
oh ok now i understand well how do you get it to be friends only already? I'd like that. I keep forgetting to change it to friends only when I update it. I would just have to do the friends posty thing like you did, which wuldn't bother me lol
oh ok ill just figure something out, i have a lot of entries to go through, and i dont want to make another livejournal...maybe ill just leave it the way it is for now and ill make them Friends only from now on
I also said that the L Word 16 was the new one, the one from this week where bette breaks down and Alice finally realizes that she messed up in telling tina to see a lawyer. and yeah I noticed tina's lawyer touching her legs or hands, or whatever. gahhh. sad episode.
I watched the L Word 16, the new one.
and I cried
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