Apr 30, 2004 22:16
Today was a weird day at work. It started out with a headache, but ended well. Somewhere in between, a guy creeped me out. He was all about getting like 5 inches away from me when he talked to me. And check this out.
(looking at polos)
him: I don't like this polo, those colors are horrible.
me: What? I love this polo. It's like my favorite one for guys.
him: Really? Let me try on one of those.
He ends up buying it after parading around the store with the collar up.
OK! This week in general has been good, I saw Copeland Tues. night at Ace's with Carol, and then again last night at Neighborhood Theatre with Quint. Both times I'd say were equally good ... The first night, Jon wasn't as practiced on the drums, and then last night, Aaron's monitor was out so he was flat on a lot of notes. I took some more black and white pictures last night, just about 2 of Aaron and 5-6 of Bryan, because I don't have many of him onstage. I wanted to get some good ones of James but all those darn mic stands in the way, sorry Valerie! Before doors opened, we all went to this mexican type place a block down. It was pretty good; I always ask for a lime with my water, well the waitress is AWESOME and not only does she give me a lime (I rarely get a lime if I ask for one) but she brings me a glass of straight squeezed lime juice. Totally sweet. I put some in my water and the guys passed it around, each tasting the juice and making great faces. James freakin drank the rest of the juice like he was taking a shot. It looked painful... I'm glad I didn't drink any straight.
Another cool thing about eating at that restaurant was that a man sitting at the table next to us had THEEE most hilarious haircut ever. I can't even describe it. It was like a stringy, thinning-haired bowl cut. Ridiculous. The best was when he whipped out his comb and did kind of an all-around combing of the hair. Bryan: "I wonder who told him to get that haircut. I mean I wonder who actually said, 'Yeah, that one'll look good on you.'" Awesome.
I've been listening to Sigur Ros all day, o my goodness. I hadn't listened to this CD in awhile, but it's so beautiful.
Another good quote I heard today was from Sonny, when we were at work.
Regarding children:
"I could have had the worst day at work, and I could be in the crappiest mood. But when I get home and I hold my baby and just look at her, all of my problems seem to disappear."